A twist of Bloodlines

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Name: Shivani Al Ghul aka Shaitan
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'9
Parents: Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul
Trainers: Ra Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, and the All Caste
Weapons: katanas, throwing knives, and guns
Trained in: Hacking, an expert in Ultra Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Eskrima, Bascom, Vale Tudo, Ninjutsu, Rough and Tumble, Line, Silat, Taekwondo, Karate, Bokator, Combato, Shippalgi, Capoeria, Kajukenbo, Sambo, Dim Mak, Kyokushin, Bojuka, Systema, Kapu Ku'ialua, Arnis, Pugilism, Keysi Fighting Method, kendo, Kenjutsu, Fencing, Laido, Aikido, Destreza, Battojutsu, Kumbo, Gatka, Kalaripayattu, espionage, assassinations, bomb-making, explosives, and marksmanship.
Languages: Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Latin.

Shivani's POV
I sat at the computer and collected data from every contact I had. I felt my eyes begin to droop shut. I took my knife out and held it in my left hand. The constant pain in my hand kept me from falling asleep. Just then I heard the elevator doors open. "Good morning Shivani." I heard Dick greet. I cleared my voice and tried to hide my hand. "Good morning Dick," I replied. Dick walked up to me and leaned up against the chair I was seated in. "When did you get up?" He questioned seriously. I released a loud, exasperated sigh. "I've been up Dick," I confessed. "But you have already been up for four days." Dick protested. "I am aware." I nodded. "Shivani I know Damian is your brother, but you can't run yourself into the ground." Dick professed as he looked into my eyes. His face suddenly deepened. "Shivani, you have become extremely pale," Dick stated. "Shit," I mumbled as I looked down at my hand. Blood was pooling out of the opened wound as I had cut fat too deep. Dick shoved the chair away from the desk and exposed my hand. "Shivani what the hell?" Dick exclaimed as he quickly grabbed my hand. He began to put pressure on the wound. "Oh come on we need to get your hand fixed," Dick grumbled as he began to drag me towards the medical bay. I watched silently as Dick stitched my hand. "Why did you do this?" Dick asked seriously. "I need to stay awake. I need to find Damian." I rambled. "You can't harm yourself, so you stay awake though." Dick reasoned. "Here let's get you some juice and then at least 90 minutes of sleep," Dick added as he quickly scooped me up in his arms. I released a squeak of surprise but quickly settled into his arms. I felt my eyes droop shut again, but this time I let them fall.

Dick's POV
As I walking to the elevator, I noticed that Shivani had become very limp in my arms. At first, panic overcame my and I gently shake her. That was until I heard a deep, steady, and healthy breath. I noticed Shivani holding onto my shirt and her head was nuzzled into my chest. I kissed the top of her forehead and smiled softly. I walked up to the living room sofa. I tried to lay the assassin down, but she tightened her grip on my shirt. I let out a slight smile and sat down with the brunette in my arms. She curled up in my lap and buried her head into my chest once more. I wrapped my arms around her and I landed my head on hers. "Hey Dick, have you seen?" Jason began. "Shuuuusshhh," I whispered. Jason immediately saw Shivani laying on top of me. Tim appeared around the corner and saw her. "Aww, you know she's kinda cute." Tim gushed. "Yeah until she stabs you," Stephanie grumbled. "She's not going to be anyone." Jason snapped. "Well anyone in this family." He corrected. "Wow, that's comforting," Stephanie mumbled. Bruce walked in and saw the bandage on her hand. "What happened to Shivani's hand?" Bruce questioned. "Oh, she did it again?" Jason whispered. "She's cut herself before?" I inquired. "Yeah, it was a really bad habit of hers," Jason admitted. "What did she do?" Tim asked. "She cuts her hand as a way to stay awake." Jason sighed. Bruce frowned as he looked at Shivani. "Yeah Bruce, when was the last time Ra had a kid?" Tim questioned. "Well, we won't ever know how old Shivani is based on looks because of the effects of the pit." Bruce acknowledged. Then a thought hit me. "But doesn't the pit cause the user's eyes to turn green?" I asked. "Yeah, it does," Tim exclaimed excitedly. "Well, then Shivani has never been in the pit because her eyes are blue," I argued. Bruce seemed to ponder that statement for a while until an alarm went off on all of our watches indicating a video call coming from the Bat computer. Shivani launched herself upright at the sound and looked around the living room. She immediately dashed to the bat cave. "Man she is fast." Tim breathed out as we chased her. Soon we all arrived at the bat cave and watched as Shivani accepted the call.

Shivani's pov
I let out a low and dangerous growl as I saw who it was. Slade Wilson had called the computer. "Well bellow there little Shaitan." He hissed. "Well hello, there big asshole," I growled. "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He snarled. "Shut it, Wilson, why have you called?" Bruce growled as he stood in his Batman uniform. "Well Shaitan and Batsy, I have something of yours," Slade smirked as he stepped aside to expose Damian. I gasped at the sight of my little brother. He had blood dripping from his sliced eyes and from his cuffed hands. He seemed to be bruised on every inch of flesh he had. His flesh seemed to stretch across his sickly frame. "What have you done to him?!" I snapped. "Oh, you don't like it Shivani?" He drawled. "Well, why don't you ask your dear Damian how he feels about it?" He added as he walked over to Damian. He raised his hand and smacked it across Damian's bruised cheek. Damian's head whipped to the right and slowly his emerald green eyes opened. "Damian." I gasped out with tears falling from my face. His eyes focused on mine and he stared at me in disbelief. "Ani?" He croaked out. "It's alright Damian I will find you," I promised. Suddenly he burst into coughs and blood spilled out from his lips. Suddenly Slade walked over and thrust a dagger into his stomach. "DAMIAN!" I screamed out in horror. Damian released a scream of pain and then his head lulled to the side. "You might want to hurry General, now he only has eight hours until the poison I just administered kills him." Slade hissed. "Goodbye Shivani." He smirked as he disconnected. A moment of silence took over the cave and in that silence, a wave of deep anger took over my body. I whipped off my eyes and stormed towards where my suit was stored. "Shivani where are you going?" Dick asked as I thundered away. "I am going to go find Damian," I growled. "Shivani, you can't just go out and risk your life needlessly to find Damian. If we stay and calculate where he is we have a better chance of finding him." Dick tried to reason. I whipped around and gave him a deadly glare. He stepped back at my rage-filled look. "Listen here dick, we have been doing that for days. Now Damian is dying and you want to stay in a cave as he dies slowly and painfully. I have let him down enough as it is and I refuse to let him die because of me." I choked out as tears began to stream down my face. "Listen I know Damian is your nephew, but." Dick began. "HE'S NOT MY NEPHEW!" I screamed. Dick's eyes widened at my outburst. "He's not my nephew, okay." I calmer and I released a sigh. "He's my brother," I confessed. Everyone stared at me in shock. "WHAT THE FU

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