"For part 5, you need to think about it more as a team," Zico suggests to them and Raina agreed. But she wasn't sure who would fit part 5.

After Zico and Doobu had said their goodbyes and good lucks to the group they and all gathered and sat down whether or not to switch Jungwon. Honestly, Raina didn't know what to think. She believed Jungwon's really good and can pull off, but she could also see where Zico and Doobu were coming from.

"I think Jungwon is really good. Bit since 3 people will be picked by the producers, so it would be too risky not to listen to their advice." Jaebeom explained his point of view. Seon stepped in.

"If you can practice and make the exact changes they asked for, then it would be okay to leave it as it is. But if you don't feel confident, or if you don't think there is enough time, then it's better to change it." Seon said towards Jungwon who took in his words.

"To be honest though, when Heeseung and Raina did "fire", they showed us their charisma. So if we think about that impact, it would be good for Raina or Heeseung to do the part that shows charisma again." Geonu stated, Raina, looked towards Heeseung and shared a look.

"Can some others share what you think about it?" Geonu asked the rest of the members. Everyone was silent, not really knowing what to say.

"I think Raina or Heeseung will give the team higher points if either of them do part 5 instead of the parts they have right now." K said. Raina didn't really know what to do, she thought Jungwon was capable of doing part 5.

"Raina. Heeseung. What do you think about that?" Heeseung and Raina shared another look between them and shook their heads.

"I don't think it's the right time for either of us to give any opinions," Heeseung spoke for both himself and Raina who agreed. Raina, who sat on Jungwon's left saw how deep in thought he was and offered him a small hand squeeze.

"What about you, Jungwon?" Seon asked Jungwon just after Raina had pulled her hand away from his. Whatever decision Jungwon makes, she'll be there for him if needed.

"Hmm...I'll practise more first. I'll keep talking about it with Raina and Heeseung." Jungwon decided, to which Raina offered him another quick hand squeeze. Jay suddenly reached his hand out for Jungwon to hold, Jungwon took Jay's hand in his. The brotherly sight made Raina's heart a little.

"I just think you have so many things to worry about all of a sudden," Jay said to Jungwon.

"I really don't know what to do. So much has been said." Jungwon responded. Raina felt for him. After this, everyone went back to practice or to take a short break.

Raina decided to take a short break and head to the kitchen and make herself a coffee. After making her coffee, this time without burning herself, she leaned her back against the kitchen top in deep thought.

She knew Heeseung and herself were fully capable of taking part 5 if Jungwon decided so. But it was a matter of choosing between herself and Heeseung to do the part.

"I'm glad you didn't burn yourself again." K said as he came around and opened the fridge. After his 'show' the day before, the tension between the two was thicker than ever. Neither of them looked at each other for too long, afraid they would end up crossing a line they shouldn't cross.

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