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Lisa's POV:

I quickly made breakfast and lunch for jungkook and I'm not going to work today because I have to prepare for jungkook's birthday which is tomorrow !along with mom.

After jungkook leaves for work,me and mom will prepare for his birthday and Irene, joy, seulgi, Wendy, and yeri eonnies are also coming to help.

Lisa why aren't you ready yet? You're going to be late"jungkook said as he walks downstairs towards me struggling with his tie".

Umm! I'm not going for work today!"I said while fixing his tie".

Huh? Why?"he asks, ah what reason should I give?".

Uhh! Uhhh! Because, because I'm yes! Because I'm not feeling well"I said and I regret saying that".

What? What happened? Come here, do you have a Fever ? Leave it I'm not going today either"he said and I widened my eyes'.

WHAT? No! Um you have to go to work,see I'm fine it's just a little headache"I said trying to give an excuse but jungkook won't listen".

No no no no no!I'm not going and you need to rest"he said and picked me up and took me to our bedroom".

Jungkook please, listen to me please! I'm fine I'll just sleep for a bit and I'll be fine,you go for work or you'll be late"I said ,looks like I'm in big trouble".

No Lisa! I can't,how can I go to work when you're sick "he said and gave me a hug".

Jungkook please! Don't make me feel like a burden"I said and he pulled away from the hug and kissed me harshly".

Never say that again,I won't tell this again and again! You're not a burden and never will! Did you Understand?"he said glaring at me".

Yes but please, please please! I'm fine just go no need to stay, listen if you stay here I'll be more anxious and won't be able to sleep"I said and he sighed" .

Fine! But promise me that you'll not work around the house and just take a rest! I love you"he said and gave me a peck on my forehead".

I promise!"I said,sorry to lie".

I love you, take care and go to sleep and call me when you're fine"he said and left".

Phew! Finally!

I quickly went downstairs after jungkook left and started preparing.

Soon eonnies and mom arrived and we all started to prepare for jungkook's b'day!.

I made the cakes and prepared for the food.

And eonnies helped me to decorate and meanwhile mom, Prepared for the guests list.

Mom and eonnies said that Jungkook doesn't like many people on his birthday only close friends and family members should be there.

I invited sandara eonnie too ,but me and mom were arguing over Jieun eonnie,mom doesn't want to invite Jieun eonnie,but what if jungkook would feel bad? They are Friends since childhood! And I don't find Jieun eonnie bad, she seems really nice.

Finally everything was prepared and settled.

I hid the cake in the fridge and covered it up so that Jungkook can't see it.

Lisa! I'm sure you're birthday gift to jungkook will be the best, every year that witch Jieun's gifts used to be the best but not anymore "mom said and we all chuckled".

Lisa! You really worked hard I'm sure jungkook would love it'' Irene eonnie said".

Eonnies and eomma without you guys ,I could never do this,thank you so much"I said and they all hugged me together".

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