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Lisa's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, cuz of Jungkook who was breathing heavily.

I turned on the night lamp and looked over jungkook.

He was sweating and breathing heavily.

Is he having a fever?

I touched his forehead with the back of my hand and it was burning.

He is having a fever.

A|N: like a fever, fever,fever

Lisa: seriously author nim?

A|N: hehe sorry , back to the story

I quickly went downstairs and brought a bowl of cold water and a cloth.

I came back inside the room and saw jungkook shivering with cold, and his shirt was wet because of his sweat.

I quickly went to the closet and brought shirt, I tried to wake up Jungkook but he was sleeping.

I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes and changed his shirt.

After changing his shirt I got the thermometer and the medicine, I checked his temperature and it was really high.

I panicked, what should I do?

I woke up jungkook and made him swallow the medicine, I sat down beside the bed and soaked the cloth into the bowl of  cold water, I squeezed out the cloth and drained out the excess water and placed the slightly wet cloth on his forehead, I repeated this back & forth.

Finally around 3am his fever came down, I sighed in relief but I was still worried.

I covered jungkook with the blanket, I sat down near jungkook.

He kept calling my name in his sleep,and kept mumbling somethings.

I went downstairs to make some tea for him, it would help him recover fast.

After the tea was done I took it upstairs and didn't see jungkook in the room, I panicked looked out of the room, where did he go?

I got back inside the room and saw jungkook there, I quickly went towards him and made him sit down.

Where did you go?"I asked and he suddenly pulled me into a hug"

Where did you go? I thought you left me?"he said with a weak Voice,I rubbed his back and pulled away from the hug".

I was just downstairs, I didn't go anywhere"I said and he nodded".

Here drink this and go back to bed, otherwise your fever will come back again"I said and brought the cup of tea near to his mouth".

I blew on it just to cool it down a bit.

Jungkook took a sip and looked at me,is it too bitter?

Is it too bitter?"I asked him but he said no".

After he drank the tea, I put him back in bed and tucked him in the blanket.

He asked  me to go to sleep but I refused, what if the fever comes back again?.

I spent the whole night taking care of him.

I was sitting on the floor beside the bed near jungkook, keeping an eye on him , watching him sleep peacefully, I caressed his hair and I don't  know when I fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning around 6 am , my body hurts so bad,but it's way lot more better than last night.

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