chapter 5

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"Atsumu..... I- I'm not your husband.
I'm not sakusa kiyoomi"

Atsumu was confused. His husband is standing right in front of him. He watched as sakusa stuttered and gasp.

" what are you talking about omi?"

" hhe? Umm, nothing... Nothing at all "

" you are acting weird omi, you are making me nervous," Atsumu said while walking into the kitchen.

Sakusa fell back into the couch. He was about to tell him the truth, he almost told... A heavy load of guilt was all over his body. He just didn't want that man to disappear from his wife and child. He must be watching all of this from heaven. He might forgive him for this.

After sitting there and overthinking for a good thirteen minutes, he walked upstairs... He saw his baby on the bed. Atsumu was not around, he might be in the bathroom or kitchen.

Sakusa laid down beside Kai and gently wrapped his arm around him. Kai was small, he looked like he was underweight but he is healthy. Atsumu is fragile, maybe because of that?.
He felt sleepy beside the child, but he raised his head when he heard footsteps coming closer.

Atsumu tried not to make any noise but sakusa already heard him.
He got closer to his husband and saw his baby clinging to him.

" Are you sleepy too omi? "

" not anymore."

Sakusa yawned and carefully woke up, without waking up their child.
He sat beside Atsumu and yawned again.

" you look so tired omi... And looks like you lost a lot of weight in a short period, are you stressed about something? Is it about business?"

" I'm really okay now Atsumu... I just had a hard time and I'm not tired anymore."

Sakusa said looking into Atsumus concerned eyes, Atsumu cupped sakusas face gave him a peck on his lips, sakusa was a bit shocked but he tried to act normal and kissed Atsumu back.

Sakusa felt like Atsumu gonna take this far, he was shaking and clinging to sakusa while kissing him. But luckily they heard their baby mumble something in his sleep and stopped to look at him. Sakusa took this opportunity and cuddled against Sleeping Kai. Atsumu dumbfounded.

Sakusa felt dirty for kissing him. He doesn't deserve this. He is just in the place of another man who was identical to him. He hoped that sakusas soul will forgive him for all of this.

He doesn't know when did he fell asleep, he woke up alone in that bed. He felt less tired but he was hungry, so he decided to go downstairs.
When he reached the living room he saw Kai on the floor, he had some toys around him.

" dada...come..." He said crawling towards sakusa. Sakusa bend down and picked up his boy who quickly snuggled into his chest whispering dada.

" where is mama baby?"

Kai pointed to the kitchen door, sakusa walked towards the kitchen with Kai. He saw Atsumu busy making dinner. When he saw his husband and child, he smiled affectionately and moved closer to him.

"Omi groceries are almost out, we should go buy some today. "

" Okay, I'll dress kai,"
Sakusa went upstairs to dress kai while Atsumu made a list of the things to buy.

Within an hour they rode the car and reached the grocery store. Sakusa carried Kai while Atsumu roamed around the store to get things. Kai was a very good boy, he stayed silent with his daddy.

Sakusa waited for Atsumu for almost fifteen minutes outside... Then he entered inside and walked to the vegetable section.

There he saw something he doesn't want to see.

*next chapter might be the final chapter.

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