chapter 2

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Atsumu was not satisfied with sakusas " I'm okay " but he didn't question him. He grabbed him by his hand and slowly lead him inside. The baby was smiling up to his face, he was so happy to see his daddy. Surprisingly sakusa just stared at him with a blank expression.

" omi... You should shower, you can hug the baby after that okay... I'll get your clothes " atsumu ran upstairs leaving sakusa and baby behind.

"Dada..." The baby crawled beside him and grabbed his jeans, looked up to his face, and called him dada once again.

" baby daddy's clothes are dirty... He will pick you up after he showers okay..."
Atsumu said coming down the stairs. He gave the clothes in his hand and picked up the little bean from the floor.

Atsumu watched as sakusa just walk into a random bedroom and use the shower. ' what happened to him? Why is he acting like that?' These thoughts crept inside atsumu. But at least he was relieved that he is home.

Atsumu waited on the couch with their baby in his hand. After almost fifteen minutes, a fresh and clean sakusa came out. Atsumu gave a relieved sigh and walked close to him.

" omi... Aren't you hungry? I'll make you dinner... So look after our bean okay?"

Atsumu slowly shifted their baby to sakusas hands. Sakusa trembled a bit but balanced him in his hands.
Atsumu looked at him one last time and walked over to the kitchen.


The baby was clinging into sakusas chest, he was smiling and talking about something which he didn't understand.
Sakusa felt a verge to cry... He never thought things would end up like this.
Everything was his fault. If only he hadn't met that man there...

The baby rubbed his nose against sakusas chest. He squeezed his arm, tears started flowing through sakusas eyes. He couldn't stand this anymore.

He hugged the baby closer, this is his family... This baby is Kai, his only son.
And atsumu is his gorgeous wife.

" honey... Are you crying? " sakusa gasped hearing atsumus voice.
Atsumu walked over to sakusa and sat beside him.
" omi... Are you okay?"

" mmmm... Yeah I guess "

" let's eat and sleep, you look very tired, our little one is tired too"

Atsumu said which sakusa agreed, they walked over to the kitchen. Atsumu set up the table. They started eating dinner, and atsumu gave baby food to Kai.
He was also surprised by how sakusa is not trying to feed kai like he always did.

After the delicious dinner, atsumu put their sleeping Kai In his crib and walked closer to the bed. Sakusa was sitting on the bed deep in thoughts.
" let's sleep right?"

"Yeah, good night "

" omi... Where is my good night kiss? Did you forget?"

Sakusa looked a little surprised, but slowly leaned to atsumu and gave him a peck on his forehead.
Then he lied under the blanket falling asleep soon.

But atsumu couldn't sleep, his husband usually kiss him on the lips, why forehead today? Also, he is acting weird around his son. Something is not right.


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