Chapter 2

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AN: Hope it's okay. 😊

Bella sat on the bed, her knees pulled up under her chin, she was staring at the wall with a vacant, dead look in her eyes.

Pain gripped her heart like a snake grips its prey. Bella felt empty. Her body longing to fill the void.

It had been a month since He left. A month since part of her left along with Him.

A month since He confirmed her worse fears and insecurities she always knew were true, he tore the last bit of hope she had.

A month since he told her that The Volturi knew of her existence and they were coming to finish up his "loose ends" for him.

Bella could count on one hand how many meals she had eaten since he left, her figure was starting to look skeletal and her eyes were sunken in.

Her father was beside himself with worry and every night when Bella woke in the early hours of the morning, screaming till her throat burnt and bile rose up scorching the already sensitive flesh, he was right beside her, holding her in his arms and rocking her like he did when she was nothing but a small little girl scared of the nightmares.

Every nightmare was the same. Forks was a bloodbath as the Volturi arrived to restore justice and rid the world of a girl who knew too much. It always ended with her dad lying with his throat torn out beside her while she stood there helplessly. She couldn't even reach down and grab her dad's hand or tell him that she loved him and how she was sorry for everything. It was as if her body was immobilized and her tongue was cement.

Night after night, the nightmare was on a loop. Renee phoned every day checking in, constantly repeating to Charlie that Bella would be better if she left Forks and came home. One night in frustration she said it would be best if Bella left like she did when she had the chance. Charlie agreed softly, put the phone down, and went into his room for the rest of the evening. Bella of course heard this all from upstairs in her own room as Charlie had it on speakerphone, hoping if Bella heard her mom's voice it would bring her back to the world of the living. Huh, the world of the living. How ironic.

Bella would never leave her dad here defenseless and alone. She couldn't dream of holding up a fight against a human, never mind a Coven of the strongest, most powerfully gifted vampires on the planet. Dying in the place of someone you loved, seemed like a good way to go. Or die trying at least.

Bella knew how it would go down if she left, she knew her scent was here, clouding every surface in this house. They would kill Charlie for merely being her father and the person she lived with when the Cullens were here.

"Bells...Bells, I have to go-go into the station. Are you going to be alright? Do you want to come in with me? I can take you to the Diner after. Maybe the bookstore?" Her dad stood by the door, doing something he was notoriously known for not doing - hovering.

Bella looked at her dad and couldn't help the tears that filled her eyes. He didn't deserve this. He had deep, dark circles under his eyes, his clothing was disheveled and Bella had a suspension that he had run out of clean clothes as the laundry basket was overflowing. Between Bella and the Station, Bella could see that her dad was battling to keep up with the household chores.

"No thanks, dad. I'll Uhm,  I'll just sit here and read a bit and go for a shower later on." Bella mumbled. She hadn't spoken this much since He left and her voice shook a bit with misuse.

Charlie stood there dumbfounded for a bit and Bella swore she saw his eyes shining with tears. They were both still awkward and terrible with emotional moments so he mumbled a reply and left with a called out "I love you, Bells." over his shoulder.

Bella slowly and agonizingly pulled herself from the safety of her bed and went into the bathroom to have a scalding, hot shower to wash the nightmares from the night before away. Bella knew it would never work like that but damn did she try.

When Bella got out of the shower, her skin was red and raw from the amount of scrubbing she did but it heeded no results.

Bella looked at her reflection and grimaced in disgust. It was no wonder He left. He was right. There was nothing special about her, she truly was pathetic. With very little curves, a plain jane face, and the fashion sense of a pubescent boy, Bella was nothing and she knew that now.

She knew they would be here any day now. Bella contemplated whether she was ready to die. Had she lived a life worth living? She already knew the answer. Her only concern was her dad. What were her options? She had none. You can't run from Vampires.

Bella heard a knock on the door. Her blood ran cold as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She felt herself pale as her knees wanted to give in to gravity.

They'd already arrived.

Her time was up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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