Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:


   Training began the next day with princess Mereleona, Stephanie and Claudia also got front row, now I’m starting to make meaning of this first row stuff, we were the army’s defense, and what I mean by defense was shield, we were to shield the army from attacks, very cool.

‘this is going to be so fun, those idiotic Japanese won’t know what hit them when we’re done with them’ Louisa said during swords fighting training.

‘I’m telling you Louisa, I can’t wait to meet their emperor and stick my sword down his throat’ lizzy replied

‘it has just been a month since you became a warrior and you are already this fierce’ Stephanie said taking a seat on the floor and crossing her leg over the other

‘don’t you have better things to do other than making mockery of me your grace?’ liz replied scowling at her sister

‘Of course not, making mockery of you your grace is my new hobby, I decided to drop reading novels and history notes, I am very sure I know too much of our empire by now’

‘reading and being silent looked better on you that you should know’

‘enough girls, we have a threat issue and you guys are arguing over hobby’ Louisa said dropping her sword

‘my sincere apologies your highness, but her grace here…’

‘hold on, there are three persons who go by the title your grace here so please address fully’ that was Claudia, we always enjoyed when Stephanie picked a fight with Elizabeth and liz always trying to be polite in her comebacks

‘Claudia must you interrupt them with your silly suggestions, it was about to get more interesting’

‘oh please, those two, I have no words to compare them with’

‘shut up Claudia’ that came from her two sisters and Louisa

‘you know I’m not wrong’

‘about the archery competition, are you participating your highness’ liz asked

‘I absolutely cannot say no to an archery challenge, what about you your grace’ I said referring to Stephanie

‘I would love to but I better just sit this one out. The competition is in a weeks’ time and I’m a little rusty, I haven’t held a bow in weeks now so I imagine what that day would look like’ Stephanie replied

‘well I’d love to see you participate twinkletoes’ liz said

‘who the actual fuck did you just call twinkletoes’

‘why don’t you take a lucky guess, never knew you were dirty mouthed, what would the dear duchess of Rothesay say about that’

‘please shut up already lizzy, you are starting to be the twinkletoes now’

‘do you know the meaning of twinkletoes’

‘glad you asked but we don’t care to know’ Claudia said shutting liz up

‘well guys, I am participating in the competition since I feel my mother would want to see me win of course’

‘and what gave you the thought you might actually win?’ I said

‘well you’re not going to be present because I’m going to break your arm so you would not be able to hold your bow’

‘we are going violent now are we?’

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