“Is that all you got?” I saw as hawk had miguel pinned against his foot

He let go of his arms, sending Miguel flying back into one of the trees. I ran over to him, but he jumped onto his back, spinning around and sending me onto top of Miguel. We both scrambled up, both going at hawk, by default, sending kick after punch after swing. Then Miguel had Hawk in a neck pin, gripping his arm and flipping him onto his back. Hawk stayed down, and Miguel stood over him, taking the headband, and the medal.

“That’s all I’ve got” he panted

Both boys glared at each other, I didn’t like it. Miguel looked up at me. I saw everyone had gathered around us. I was still left. I stared back at my dad, pretty gutsy move, but I knew what I wanted to do. I bent down on one knee, undoing the headband around my forehead, and holding it out to Miguel. I gave him a look of respect, he gave me one back. Once I handed him my headband, we stood across from each other, and bowed.

You’re one of the most merciful people I’ve ever met squirt

My brother’s voice rang through my head, and I smiled. I had never liked that rule. I never would

“Finish them” Kreese muttered

I looked up at him, with less shock then I thought. It did and didn’t surprise me. I had surrendered. Miguel nodded, turning back to Hawk who was still on the ground. He set up to do a backwards spin kick, but in that split second I jumped forwards, getting hit with his leg instead.


I went flying back into a tree, hearing something crack. Pain sprung through my body, but I bit my lip the hardest I ever had, keeping the shouts of pain I wished I could let out, be silent. As the black team cheered for their victory, I slowly tried to get up, putting weight on my wrist and yelping in pain.

“Harley?” Dad questioned, looking over at me worriedly

“I’m fine dad” I panted, keeping my wrist behind my back

Suddenly someone came out from a pile of leaves?! It was Chub. he jumped up and got Miguel in a headlock.

“Ya know the thing about stingrays is, they lie and wait for the perfect opportunity, to strike!” Chub exclaimed, taking off Miguel’s headband and shoving him into a few guys near me “The red team just won!”

Our team cheered, I leaned back against a tree, smiling in shock. This is crazy

“What the fuck just happened?” I chuckled

“Fuck if I know” Miguel panted, he did not look happy

“What was that?” Dad walked over to him “That’s not how I taught you to fight” he meant the ending

“It’s what sensei Kreese taught us” Miguel explained “this isn’t a tournament. This is real life”

“Miguel...” I sighed, ignoring the searing pain in my wrist “This was just a game” Miguel gave me an annoyed look. Annoyed that I was right “And besides, is that how you wanna live your life?”

Miguel shook his head annoyed, jerking past me making me grunt under my breath.


As I drove home Hawk sat beside me, both of us grinning like idiots the entire time. I took one sharp turn, making me hiss with the pain in my wrist. Hawk noticed, looking over at me with a concerned face.

“Harley what was that?” he asked

“Nothing” I tried to act oblivious

“No- you weren’t allowed to do that before, you can’t especially now”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I grinned playfully “Are you officially striking me as yours?”

Hawk chuckled, nodding his head softly. He was all fidgety and squirmy, just like Eli.

“I’d like to think you have been for a while now” he smirked

I chuckled, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

“Me too”

While I wasn’t paying attention, Hawk reached over, pulling down my sleeve and exposing my blue and purple wrist. His eyes widened instantly and he grabbed the steering wheel, nearly causing an accident as he made me pull over.

“What the hell happened!?” he exclaimed

“When I hit the tree I… I guess I landed on it” I shrugged “I-It’s fine-”

“No, it's broken. Get out of the driver's seat I'm gonna take you to the hospital” he started undoing his seatbelt

“Hawk I’m fine-”

“I wasn’t asking” he was stern, but not in a mean way, in a caring way

I sighed, undoing my seatbelt and getting out of the driver's seat. Hawk drove us to the hospital, and of course everyone showed up after the dumbass sent a message to the group chat. Miguel and Hawk almost got in a fight but I wouldn’t let them. Luckily a broken wrist was completely routine and it was a clean break, so I was in and out, and back in bed with Hawk that night.

Dad had of course made off-handed comments about the two of us, which made it a little awkward, but settled into bed together, just as we had before. It was then I realized how natural everything was. It’s like we had already been together in the first place. Whoops, sorry Moon.


Psychotic Kids '-' Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now