They Do The Monster Mash pt.1

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"Preston, Shanon." A teacher did the register, "Skele, Ton."
A short kid with freckles answered to her new name.
"Vamp, Ire." The teacher continued.
Another kid with brown hair and big cheeks answered to her name.
"Wear, Wolf ok what the fucks going on?" The teacher broke. The third kid with a big nose and a mullet threw a smoke bomb down and they skedaddled to the roof

These three girls were part of a pact they called The Mash. Half of their plan was to change their names, legally, to that of monsters. They didn't even like the movies, they just liked the idea of the monsters. The other half of their plan was a little more dangerous:
They were going to highjack the New Years party.

For New Years, Spring Valley Academy held a masquerade ball. As to why we can only guess. It was for years nine to eleven. The students, if they liked, could come in a costume, covering their face with a mask and it was organised by some students so wtf do u expect it's stupid and I'm glad The Mash are gonna highjack it.

"The posters said an orchestra, you don't think there's an actual orchestra no?" Ire asked.
"Nah, it's probs just a student band." Wolf said.
"Ye, I'd be surprised if there's anything expensive." Ton added. Although her friends now called her Tom bc she preferred it to Ton and I don't blame her and I'll say Tom as well.
They sat on the roof of the math block because cool kids hung out on roofs. They looked over to the roof of the English block and saw a groups a friends there too who they flipped off, leapt of the roof like batman and went to physics.

"Ok so class we gonna learn about lizards! Lizards are so cool they can change their skin to the background, I'll show you this Deadly60 episode where Steve shows what it's like to see like a lizard."
"Sir it's not lizards that can do that." Someone corrected.
"I think the wifis down at the minute." Some other kid said.
"This is supposed to be physics sir." A third kid told.
"Ey- do 1 I'm watching Steve Backshall." Stu the physics teacher snapped.

So while he was doing that, The Mash snuck out the room.
"Ok so I drew up a plan." Ire told. What we can so is steal the cable for the music, and play our own."
"That's good, we could do that!" Tom laughed.
"What are we gonna play?" Wolf asked.
"Well..." Ire laughed, and left a dramatic pause the same length that it's taking you to read this sentence, "We'll play The Monster Mash!"

The three girls heard about a group chat made in their year for all the girls to talk and make sure they don't have a same dress.
"What really?" Tom asked.
"Yea, they made it last night."
"And didn't invite us?" Wolf laughed.
"You wanna join?" Ire teased.
"No, I'd rather wear nothing then a stupid masquerade thing." She said.
"Just rude not to add us tho." Tom sighed.
"Wait... Bookface right?" Wolf said and we will never know if she was saying it wrong on purpose or that's what it's called in the SVAU, either way 'Facebook Is Shit'.
"Yea." Ire confirmed.
"Yea, what if they couldn't find us." Wolf said, "Cuz we haven't really told anyone about The Mash."
"'re right. And we're not friends with any of them online so... they won't know we changed our names." Ire added.
"But yea... oh well." Tom ended the scene.

The gang on the other side of the roof made themselves known.
"OI!" One kid shouted from across the gap that held the quad.
"WHAT?" Tom yelled back.
The whole gang on the English block flipped The Mash off, and The Mash flipped the other gang off.
"Hang on." Ire said, reaching into her back and taking out a twix.
"What are you doing?" Wolf asked. And Ire threw the bar across at the gang on the other side, but it didn't go far enough and landed in the quad.
The other gang threw some food as well until everyone involved was throwing everything they had for their lunch. Nothing made it to the other side and they gave up.
"Wanna go Coop? I got no food now." Wolf laughed.

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