They Do The Monster Mash pt.2

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Tom was the least least popular of the Mash, so she was on espionage. She got close with a boy called Levi Sterling who was in charge of the music for the night and through him, Tom was given information to better The Mash's plan. She reported back at the end of the day.

"Okay so the thing with an orchestra, ye bull, they're playing music off speakers and we can just do the Monster Mash!"

Wolf was in charge of music so that night she went home and made the audio file. An edit of Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett. On repeat. She edited out the opening and cut straight to the first line 'I was working in my lab late one night.' She then pasted that a dozen times in movie maker and brought her laptop to school the day of the ball.

New years eve. The school was open because I don't think the outcasts thought about it and everyone was preparing for the ball. Well, everyone who wanted to go, which wasn't that many people. But enough people went for a) the school to let the ball happen, and b) the hijacking to be worth it. It was a normal Friday, not a lot of work got done by any student because of the excitement of the ball but tbf not a lot of work got done in Spring Valley Academy anyway.

But that night, the second half of The Mash started.

Tom entered the ball in a suit she got from the charity shop. The ball was in the academy's hall and didn't look half bad. It was decorated around Christmas bc the planners were boring as shit. It was very crowded inside even though tables and stalls were set up in both the quad and behind hall. Tom made her way past a good few dozen students, and most of them had masks on, it can't have been to hide their identitty because even she could tell who everyone was from height and hair and skin colour so it's pointless and she thought that everyone would probably just pretend not to recognise someone they liked. She tried on to laugh at them as she went past.

"We're in position." Ire told Tom over a radio she bought the night before. Her and Wolf set up in the old lights room no one knew about and got ready for the signal, watching down below at the stupidity that was this ball.
"Look at these guys!" Wolf laughed, "They can clearly tell who everyone is. Look at that kid! His mask only covers one eye!"
"Should we call his name?" Ire joked.

Tom waited for the ending of the song that was playing, and as it was ending she radioed,
"Do the monster mash."

They plugged Wolfs laptop in and the song abruptly started to which Wolf and Ire started laughing.

"I was working in my lab late one night."

Most people thought it was out of season, but a laugh, something fun to dance to, and they did. Some kids sang along to the chorus while others were already board by the mid point.
The song ended as songs do and silence filled the room. Levi's heart was going a hundred miles a minute waiting to hear if the next song was one he had planned.
Tom joined her friends in the lights room and they looked down to enjoy the show.

"I was working in my lab-"

The whole room groaned and many kids bothered Levi about what was going on, to which he lied and told them he had everything under control. A lot fewer then last time, but some kids still sang along to the chorus.
It came to an end and the room was even more silent this time.

"I was working in my-"

"What the fuck!" The hall collectively yelled.
Levi was now being harassed by the other students in the planning group and The Mash were dying laughing with a front seat view to it all. They thought it would take longer for people to break but it was half way through the third play through where students were yelling and covering the song with their complaints. The song ended, and as you know:

"I was working in-"

People were flooding back stage and corridors trying to find where the speakers and panels had been moved to but no one could find The Mash and no one could reach the speakers in the hall as they were too high. The girls were pissing themselves watching everyone below.

"I was working-"

Half of the students left. The other half kept searching for the reason but left as well before the fifth play through of Monster Mash ended. Levi, along with the other students in the planning group stayed to hear of the next song would be the same.

"I was-"

They all left.

Now the three had the hall to themselves. They ran down and danced and sung to the song. And again. And again.

Wolf had only pasted the song a dozen times and when the audio ended the three sat on the stage and ate Haribo from a big bowl.

"We did it!" They laughed.

Shit this took a while. But what fun,
Joshua Goodwin.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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