Secrets, Polyjuice and Rice Krispies

Start from the beginning

I look at her. “It’s like you’re insisting for me to drink alcohol or something.” I state, seeing how she is trying to get me to hold it.

Natalie raises the potion to her lips, gulping it down. I watch her stunned, along with Jennifer and Michelle. She finishes drinking it and licks her lips, like it was tasty or something. I wait patiently for what’s going to happen.

And then it happened. Her features started to change, and she started to grow my height, which was like a centimetre taller than herself. Her skin started to grow the light shade mine was. Than, it was done.

I wasn’t exactly sure how long I stood there watching it happen. Next thing I know, I am face to face with myself. Trust me, it is way creepier than it sounds.

“I have to give you credit, Michelle. How were you able to grow used to seeing two’s.”

Michelle laughs at my comment, while Natalie was looking at herself in the mirror, stunned as well. “That worked out well.” She commented, turning to me. “Now you.”

“Wow, my hair is really long...” I say, trying to change the topic. But it was true though. It was like looking at a 3D me. My hair grew at about 3 inches since I last got it trimmed, now reaching my elbows.

“Come on. Drink. I’m feeling awkward about this.” Natalie urges.

I snicker. “Like me becoming you is going to be any better.”

“Just drink the damn potion!” Jennifer practically yells. I hesitantly pick up the potion, watching how the liquid moves in the bottle. I don’t want to do this at all.

Jennifer slowly starts to raise my arm up to my mouth, which I swat away. “Come on. Just drink it.” Natalie continues to urge.

Sigh. She owes me big time for this. I close my eyes tight and gulp down the potion as fast as I can. Not wanting to savour the taste. My skin started to feel like jelly, I open my eyes and look in the mirror. I was Natalie.

“Yes!!! It worked!!” Jennifer says, breaking the tension. I look at myself, or, look at Natalie.

“Thanks, I owe you.” Natalie says, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Yeah.” I say not impressed. “You owe me big time.”


Walking through the halls greeted by a bunch of Ravenclaws who I have no idea who they are is weird. I’m going to be dead when I bump into Joey.

Before all this mess, we decided to meet up with all our friends to go to the the party together. Now that might be a problem. We walk up to our friends who were having a friendly conversation, they look up and smile at us. Among them were, Brian, Colin, Lilly, Zoey, Bianca, Helda and Joey, sadly.

I’m greeted with a bunch of ‘Hey’s’ and ‘Hey Natalie’s’. Joey and Zoey immediately separate from the group and start to walk towards me. Natalie, being me, gets greeted by Lilly and Brian. I can tell Brian is smiling nervously at her. Haha.

“Hey Nat.” Joey greets, smiling. I look in his eyes, trying to see if he can tell I’m not his cousin. For now it looks like he can't tell.

“Hey,” I say, trying to avoid conversation so I won’t accidentally say something Natalie wouldn’t say.

“So you ready to go?” asks Zoey.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I say.

“Why does it feel like you're avoiding conversation?” asks Joey.

Hogwarts School Years: Year 2Where stories live. Discover now