Rice Krispie Sandwiches, Duelling and Show offs

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Jennifer’s POV

The taste melts in my mouth. I think I’m in heaven. Ahhh. Suddenly a boy nudges my shoulder, causing me to drop my piece of heaven. I feel steam start to escape from my ears, seriously. I take my chocolate chip, rice krispie, oreo sandwiches very seriously. I turn around, ready to murder him.

Suddenly he turns around and grabs both of my shoulders. What the heck? He starts to shake me. Is he crazy?

“Wake up!” I hear Bianca’s voice come out of his mouth. You have no idea how creepy it looked....

I open my eyes and see Bianca next to my bed. I feel a sudden craving now.... Bianca raises her eyebrows with an amused expression on her face.

I quickly get dressed and head to the Great Hall with Bianca.

“So what were you dreaming about?” Bianca asked as we take our seat at the Hufflepuff table. “You had a really angry expression on your face.”

I tell her my dream. She looked at me when I was done, then burst out laughing. Sigh. I have to give up hope that anyone will take my snack seriously.

We stand up to get to our first class of the day. Her brown braids grew about an inch and she grew a bit taller. I grab my things and reach in my pocket for my heaven. I pull out my beloved snack. Bianca must have seen the look in my eyes, as she looks at me confused. Like I said. No one understands. It’s a shame really.

I begin unwrapping my snack when someone nudges me on the shoulder trying to get to their class, making it drop to the floor. I widen my eyes and look up to see who made me drop my rice krispie sandwich.

….....my worst nightmare is coming true!!!!!

I look to see Collin, wide eyed, worry faced. He rushes back over.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I was trying to get to class. Are you okay?” He spat out in two seconds tops.

“You made me drop....” I look down at the ground. Collin hesitantly picks it up and examines it with a weird look on his face. Much like many when they see my snack. I don’t blame him. I snatch it out of his hands and I begin brushing it with my fingers.

Collin and Bianca exchange a glance at each other. Luckily it was still wrapped when it dropped. So it’s still edible. I sigh a breath of relief.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about.” I say in a sweet voice. Collin nods in understanding.

“JUST DON’T YOU DARE DO IT EVER AGAIN!” Collin nods frightened. I smile back at him. We continue to walk to class as I carefully fully unwrap my snack. Our first class is Charms with the Ravenclaws. I stop dead on my tracks.

Bianca and Collin notice, turning around to see if I’m alright. I look at them slowly, shaking.

“Are you alright?” Collin asked hesitantly.

I take a deep breath and walk back up to them.

“Here, you can have it.” I say, passing the snack to him. He looks at me confused.

“Why? What’s wrong with it?”

“I broke the cookie trying to open it. It doesn’t taste the same. Considering you never ate one, try it.” I say simply. I never eat a broken rice krispie sandwich. Ever. It just doesn’t taste right. Mock me all you want. It’s my opinion.

Collin breaks it in half and hands the other half to Bianca, who takes it. They both take a bite. I wait for their reactions. They finally tasted heaven.

Hogwarts School Years: Year 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant