Surprising Game, Secrets and Costumes

Start from the beginning

“10-10!” yells Madam Hooch.

Suddenly a Bludger comes flying in my direction but Michelle intercepts it, hitting it back at Keith who I guess hit it in the first place. The Bludger hits the back of his broom so he is disorientated for a second but then balances himself. I see them glare at each other. Hopefully this doesn’t do the opposite of cheering her up. The Quaffle is back to us. Tamara passes it to me and then I pass it to Jennifer. She scores.


I look both Tamara and Jennifer in the eye. It’s time to start our plan. They nod in understanding.

We all start flying around together so Keith and Lewis are both forced to stay close to each other.

“Stop going so close to me!” yells Lewis.

“You stop going so close to me!” yells Keith.

Yes! Our plan is working. The Bludger soon flies towards them and Keith hits it toward Tamara. It misses her narrowly.

“Stop trying to kill my friends! You’re aimed it at Tamara to annoy me!” yells Lewis.

“So, what if I am?!” yells Keith. Soon the Bludger flies toward them again. Lewis hits it back at Michelle and it almost knocks her off her broom.

“Who’s aiming now!?!” yells Keith.

“Who knew you cared? I thought you hated each other. That necklace I assume you gave her is on the floor in courtyard the  outside the castle. You went around bragging about your trip to Paris so i’m pretty sure you gave it.” yells Lewis.

“Why, You....” yells Keith angrily. Then Michelle, who must have gotten tired of their arguing, hit the Bludger their way. Both of them narrowly dodge the blow.

While all this happens they don’t even notice that Jennifer, Tamara and I have sneaked around them and scored multiple goals.

“40-10!” yells Madam Hooch.

“What?!?!” both Keith and Lewis yell. They look behind them and notice that we were gone and at the other end of the field scoring goals.

They quickly fly over to us. Shoot...we made them angry. We’re dead...Run!! Wait I mean fly!! Then Michelle stops them from flying to us by smashing a Bludger at them. The Bludger hits the ends of their brooms as they try to dodge the blow. They get disoriented.

“Guys! You need to be more careful around them!” Michelle yells at them. “Now go!”

During this time the guys have gotten the Quaffle. The three of us race after them. In the corner of my eye I notice Zoey hovering around high above the Quidditch Pitch. Neither team has seen the Snitch.

We fly over but they score. I quickly grab the Quaffle back and start flying toward the other side. I pass it to Jennifer. We fly over but Lewis and Keith are there waiting. Jennifer passes the Quaffle to Tamara who passes it to me. We pass it back and forth to avoid Lewis and Keith hitting the Bludgers toward us and making us lose the Quaffle. It’s passes back to me and both Lewis and Keith aim a Bludger at me.

Shoot...i’m dead. I quickly pass the Quaffle to Tamara but the Bludgers still hit me and I fall to the ground. Oww....I hope I didn’t break something. I’m quite happy with my record of staying out of the Hospital Wing. I sit up. My arm hurts but I don’t think I broke anything. I was still on my broom when I fell so I went down slower. I get back on my broom and fly back up.

Then Michelle hits the boys’ team Seeker down. Causing him to crash land in front of the goal posts of their team. Ouch, that gotta hurt. Well the guys look like they’ve gotten more angry. We’re dead.  

Hogwarts School Years: Year 2Where stories live. Discover now