That gorilla type of love <3

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I got this idea from a video we watched in TOK. It's probably going to be dumb but it's overdue. This is a request from @PheobeTheCulprate back in May lol. Enjoy!

Watch the video first if you don't already know what it is. The link is in the comments. 

POV: Hunt

I hear the apartment door shut, a heavy sigh following the sound. I instantly smile knowing Bryce is home, I haven't seen her all day and I missed her. I stand from the couch to go hug her, my smile turning to a confused frown as I see her slouching figure, drop her bags on the ground. What's happening? She always says, "Hi Hunty, how was your day?" and sets her bags on the counter.

I look at her more closely, her hair is down, covering her face as she tries to cover her... sniffling? What happened?

I walk towards her slowly in case I scare her, "Hey sweetheart, how was your day? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?"

I look her body over to make sure she has no bruises, and when I see there is none, wrap my arms move around her, pulling her to my chest. My arms instantly move to her back, moving up and down in a soothing motion as she keeps breathing heavily.

She doesn't respond, making my concern grow. I loosen my hold on her, leaning down so we are the same height and I can see her face. I carefully push the hair covering her eyes and lips, the palm of my hands staying on her cheeks, wiping off the cascading tears with my thumb.

Using a delicate tone I ask again, "Bryce, why are you crying?"

Her tear-covered eyes meet mine as she responds quietly, "They're gone."

My mood turns mournful in an instant. They're gone. Danika. Lehabah. The pack. They're all gone. Although I was never met them or got to know them, they meant a lot to Bryce and I know what it feels like to lose someone so close to your heart. I remove my hands from her face and pull her into another hug. I hold her head closer to me as her tears resurface, wetting my shirt. It doesn't matter. All that matters is how can I help Bryce? What does she need?

I quietly whisper against the top of her head, her hair brushing against my nose, "I know sweetheart, I know. It hurts, and it always will but it will get better. Some days will be worse, is this one of those days?"

She nods, her grip on my shirt tightening. I gently lift her legs, guiding them around my waist, moving us to the couch. I sit us down softly and pull a blanket over us. We sit there, her on my lap, clinging to me as I continue rubbing my hands against her back under the fluffy blanket.

I don't know how long we sit there but only when her cries stop, do I loosen my hold on her.

"Do you feel better?"

"A little."

"I'm glad," I give her a small forehead kiss, "can I show you something?" I hope this works.

She gets off my lap, sliding to my side on the couch. Moving the blanket to her comfort she answers, "Sure."

I pull out my phone and open up the video I had watched earlier that day. I gently hand her the phone and press play.

She looks at me confused, "What is this?"

Slightly shaking my head I respond, "Just watch."

She turns her head back to the phone, my eyes watching her expressions closely. Does she like it? As the video plays, Bryce's attention stays glued to the screen. When the first part ends  I quickly pause it so the surprise doesn't get spoiled. She looks at me, the sadness in her eyes less prominent, and with an obviously fake pout, "I was two off."

I smile a little, eager to see if she had seen it. 

"Why are you smiling?"

"Did you see it?"

"You mean the people passing the ball? Yeah, I saw them."

I shake my head, giddy with anticipation. Did she see the gorilla? "Nope, the other thing."

"What other thing?"

Yes! She didn't see it. I win. I saw it. "The gorilla."

Her confusion is evident, "There was no gorilla. I don't think you showed me the right video if there was supposed to see a gorilla in it."

I smile, shaking my head as I press play again. "Watch it again."

I watch over her shoulder, simultaneously watching for her reaction. 1.2.3.

She turns to me surprised, "No fucking way there was a gorilla the first time."

"There was. I saw it."

"You're lying to me. No way you saw the gorilla."

I fake an offended gasp, putting my hand to my heart, "Excuse you, that was rude. You're just jelly."

She laughs at my dramatic words, "Did you just say jelly?"

I flip my hair sassily, "Obviously."

That sends her laughing again.

As she calms down she asks, "Why did you show me this?"

Did I do something wrong? Did she not like it? "I thought it would make you feel better."

She gives me a warm smile, "It did, somewhat. How did you see the gorilla?"

I shrug and look up at the ceiling, "I don't know. All my life I've had to focus on multiple things at once, it's just a habit. For example, I have so much going on right now but I can still always find you."

I look back down to see her staring right back at me, "Did you just call me a gorilla?"

I small chuckle escapes from my mouth, of course that's what she picks up. "Yes."

She huffs, failing to hide her smile, "If anything you're the one built like a gorilla."


"It's true", she responds defiantly, "What did you even search up to find this?"

I look to the side, my hand scratching the back of the neck as embarrassingly whisper, "How to be more attentive for your girlfriend?"

There have been many times that she has told me I don't notice the little things. I don't really understand what she means, I think I notice a lot of the little things but I still took her words and tried to fix it. For her.

I turn to her, catching as her small smile grows, "Sorry what was that? I didn't hear you."

I roll my eyes as I lean down, silently whispering, "You heard what I said", and give her a forehead kiss.

Her soft hands reach behind my head, pushing me down to her lips so she can give me a soft kiss. Amazing.

"I'll always be here for you, love."

"Thank you."

A huge smile forms on my face as she lets go, curling down on the couch with her head on my thighs (which she keeps calling thick every time I wear shorts), and falls asleep with a smile.

I did it! I comforted her!

My gaze stays on her beautiful face as I twirl her hair between my fingers. I love her. And I will do anything to keep giving her that gorilla type of love. Forever.


Word count: 1164

This looks likes it's been written by a middle schooler but whatever it's the best i can do at the moment :)

Art published on Pinterest by Fabiane

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