Late-night shenanigans

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Thank you @maria_reads19 for the motivation :) I know it's a little late but enjoy

*Trigger warning: Cursing/brief mention of alcohol*

POV: Bryce

2 am

I was watching Fangs and Bangs on tv since I couldn't sleep and there was nothing for me to do. BAM. It sounded like a gunshot. I quickly turn my body away from my tv to watch the door. It slams into the wall. 

My heart practically stops when Danika rushes through my apartment door. Sweet pegasus she's gonna wake everyone up. Still slightly shocked by her dramatic entrance, I lower the volume of the TV and turn back towards her. 

"Why the fuck are you running in here like you are about to get murdered?"

After shutting the door, she walks towards the couch and answers, "First of all fuck off, secondly, wanna go out?"

"It's 2 am. What would we even do?" 

She grins wickedly making me a little scared of what she could possibly be thinking. You never know with Danika. 

"I say we put on bomb ass outfits, grab our skateboards and go to the drug store down the street", she explains as she jumps on me causing me to let out a little oof, "or we can go to the club."

I'm not in the mood to club plus I already have my makeup on from yesterday. I think about it and all I really have to do is put on a nice outfit and I'm ready. Finally making my decision, I smile at her and say, "Let's go annoy the unfortunate people who have to work at the drug store at this time". 

--- free skips for all I say--- 

The fresh breeze hits my face making my hair fly as we skate down the road. The fabric of my dress slapping against my legs making it tickle. No one, that is sane of course, is awake at this time so we have the road to ourselves. 

As we cross the red light, still on our skateboards, Danika sends a bone-chilling howl, echoing off the dusty brick walls of the old buildings that look like they will collapse with a single touch or strong gust of wind. 

You could tell by the trash on the floor and the broken lamp posts that this is definitely not the most welcoming place to live but to us it's normal. You get used to the smell of piss on the floor caused by drunkards. You get used to the skinny dogs or raccoons that are scrimmaging through the trash bags trying to find scraps of food. You get used to the creepy alleys. You just get used to it all. 

Making a smooth turn to the right, the drug store sign shines bright, sticking out against the gloomy buildings. God, it looks creepy as hell... nice. With huge smiles on our faces, we pick up our skateboards and strut through the glass doors. 

"Seriously, you guys again", the cashier sighs loudly as he turns in his chair to face the other direction. He is so sick of us. Too bad. 

"Love you too Barry", Danika winks and sends him a quick kiss. 

You look around the familiar store following Danika as she heads for the chips. 

"AHA yesss the pringles!"

Danika and her pringles. You smile at the sight as you head down farther down the aisle heading straight for the monsters. You and that drink have a love-hate relationship. It's good but also isn't. You don't think about how it could slowly be killing you as you grab one from the freezer and head back to your crazy friend. 

As you walk back down the aisle to the pringles you notice that Danika is talking to someone.  As you get closer you basically see the steam coming out of the stranger's ears. You sigh, seriously, I leave her for a second. What the fuck did Danika say now. You quicken your step until you reach the pair. 

"You look like a slut", the wrinkly old woman said.

"Great! That's what I was going for", Danika replies with a fake happy tone not bothering to give the woman the reaction she wanted. 

"Tsk, a girl like you shouldn't be walking around this late at night. You're asking for it". 

Now Danika has had enough. It's been a whole 5 seconds but so have you. Just because you guys are wearing badass outfits and are confident showing skin DOES NOT mean that you are asking for "it". So of course Danika sets it to her straight.

"For your information... laadyyy... we aren't ASKING for anything but now that I think of it I DO ask of you to leave us alone before it gets dirty".

Damn Danika can be scary... hold up what does she mean by dirty. " Danika we aren't beating up an old drunk hag in the middle of the chips aisle". 

You can't with Danika, you are all down for beating up guys who clearly need to be taught some manners but is she not thinking... one punch and she could possibly kill the women. Frankly, you rather not get arrested right now. You were about the reminisce on the previous time you had gone to jail... your mugshot did look hot in your defense... when you get aggressively grabbed by the arm. 

You give out a loud sigh, seriosuly, why so aggressive. Danika was practically dragging you to the cashier. 

The second Danika sees Barry her face lights up again. Poor dude, she is constantly annoying him. Not that I'm going to stop it, free entertainment is always a plus. 

"So Barry, " Danika says in a suggestive tone,  "do I have to pay in cashhhh?"

Barry is not having it at all and rolls his eyes yet again... he does that a lot when we are around. "Of course you pay with cash dip shit just like every other fucking time".

After scanning the items he puts them in the plastic bag, immediately going back to sit down on his chair. He acts annoyed but we know he loves us. Plus, we are really the only ones that come so he should be thanking our annoying .... thick... asses for supporting his business, or whatever this place is.

As we head to the door I say our parting goodbye, "Loooove youu bear bear, see you tomorrow". You smile to yourself as Danika sends a kiss to the grumpy worker, earning a middle finger in return. 

The door chime rings behind you as you guys grab your skateboards. With the shitty lamp post illuminating the view of the road you and Danika ride through the night. You might go home and watch dumb pornos or you might go to the park and find some stoners, who's to know.

All you know is that you follow the moon, your howls echoing through the broken city. 


Word count: 1157

I wrote this at 3 am so ehh this may be shitty, who knows.

Please give me suggestions on what I should write on next. Commenting it or sending it to me privately both work

Art on insta by: sncinderart 

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