Robe - 1, Hunt - 0

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating. My sleep schedule is actually so screwed I don't have time but here is a short scene I came up with. 

You asked and I will deliver (months later lol)- more Hunt and Bryce for you @JadeMara4 :)

*Trigger warning: Cringe*

POV: Bryce

I open my apartment door slightly leaning on it to catch my breath. I just finished my run and I have gotten my best time yet. I'm proud of myself.

I make sure to lock the door behind me as I walk in, turning to the laundry room immediately. As I breathe in the smell of my apartment, I catch a big whiff of my own. Gross. I pushed myself so hard I'm sweating more than usual. I need a shower, quick. 

My clothes smell of sweat so bad I don't even wait to take them off in the bathroom, I strip in the laundry room quickly putting them in the basket with the other dirty clothes on and put on my robe. 

Already feeling less dirty I walk to my room to take a shower but not before Hunt walks out. 

He looks at me up and down with wide eyes, the shock quickly turning to a smirk. "Are you naked?"

I give him an unamused look as I continue my way to the bathroom, sidestepping his large frame. He obviously follows me.

I can picture his amused smile as I hear his steps follow, his longer strides catching up to me easily, "that's a yes."

"Stop that, I know what you're thinking and it's not going to happen."

I open the door of our bathroom, looking over my shoulder to catch his response.

The smirk hasn't left his lips as he says, "Why not?"

"Because I just took a run and I smell horrible."

"Doesn't matter when you always taste so good", his arms wrapping around my waist as I start turning on the water.

"You pervert", I state as I roll my eyes.

"Or", he whispers behind your ear, "we could shower together."

His delicate voice sends shivers down my spine, his hands not helping my self-control as he draws circles through the silk robe. 

Damn that feels nic- keep it together Bryce.  He can't win, I won't give in.

I turn around and give him a quick peck on the lips before whispering back, "Put your dick away and go do what you got to do."

He rolls his eyes with a slight smile, giving me a small kiss back. "Fine but this isn't over. I love you."

"I love you too." 

He unwraps his arms and walks out the bathroom right as I whisper under my breath, "Horny dumbass."

His slight chuckle filling my heart with happiness as he closes the door.

My horny dumbass. 

..... And time for a cold shower. 


Word count: 426

cringy but it's for you. take it :)

Art on Instagram by: vinc_ry

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