chapter 15 - gin

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I knock on Neil's cracked office door and it creeps open under my knuckles. Neil glances up in surprise, swallowing a gulp of clear liquid from a crystal tumbler. His brief grimace makes it clear it isn't water burning his throat. My money is on vodka.

I swallow any unease or judgment bubbling up. He is our manager and it's basically after hours. He has every right to have a drink in the privacy of his own office.

"Sorry to intrude... I've finished taking the trash out."

"Not a problem. Let's start locking up." He runs a hand through his disheveled hair and stands, buttoning his suit as he steps out from behind the mahogany desk.

I smile and nod awkwardly, stumbling in my heels as I back out of the doorway to let him through.

His hands dart out and latch around my waist, catching me before I trip and fall.

"Clumsy." He chuckles.

"Yeah. Sorry." I laugh off the extremely uncomfortable and entirely unprofessional moment and step out of his hold as soon as my feet are stable under me.

"No need to apologize, Raina." Neil smiles down at me while I fidget.

My conversation with Daisy earlier this afternoon floods back and for a second I find myself wondering if the rumors are true.

As my boss, there are plenty of less intimate places he could have reached to steady me. But he chose my waist. That rubs me the wrong way, but at the end of the day he saved me from face planting, am I really going to complain about the split-second method behind it?

I can't wait for this day to be over.

Neil walks me through the whole building on aching feet and shows me which keys lock which doors. I'm nearly limping by the time we return to his office.

"The front door is the last to lock. I'll do that one on my way out, I've just got a few more minutes of work to finish up. You're free to go." Neil sinks into his chair with an exhausted sigh.

"Alright. Have a good night."

"Goodnight, Raina." He nods, already reaching for his tumbler.

I'm digging through my purse, halfway down the staircase when I realize I have no phone, or car keys.

"For fucks sake," I mutter, doubling back to Neil's office.

I knock gently and stick my head in when I hear a response. The scene before me is identical to an hour ago, like deja vu.

"Sorry to disturb you again," I grimace. "Do you mind if I borrow your phone to call a cab? My car is in the shop and my phone–"

He cuts me off with a wave. "I'll drive you home."

My eyes widen in uncomfortable terror for a moment before I get my expression back under my tired control.

"Um, that's really okay, you're still working and stuff... I can just take a taxi."

"Nonsense. I'm just wrapping up." He levels me with a stern stare, refusing to back down.

I open my mouth to object but he cuts in before I get a word out.

"I insist. It's the least I could do for keeping you so late."

I rack my brain for any possible excuse I can come up with to politely say no. Then the excuse wets his lips once again.

"Uh, Sir? With all due respect, are you sure you're okay to drive?" I chew my nail subconsciously, betraying my nerves.

His head snaps up from the papers he was scribbling on and dark eyes lock with mine.

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