chapter 14 - passive agressive

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That night I sleep at Daphne's. We stay up late, watch the first four Harry Potter movies, and drink two bottles of wine.

I don't tell her about what happened with the photos, and I don't tell her about Kane or Weston. It's not because I don't trust her, even though we're new friends she definitely feels like someone I can trust. I also believe she wouldn't judge me. I just am not ready to talk about it, or what it means.

She can obviously tell something is wrong when I ask to stay over, but all she asks is if it's about Kai. When I shake my head, she leaves it at that, and I really like that about her.

We go to work together since we're working the same shift and my car is still in the shop. I make a mental note to ask Kai about when it would be ready to pick up. I make a second mental note to get a new phone.

"Hey Raina, pop by my office before you head out on the floor," Neil requests from the doorway to the staff locker rooms.


Daisy, one of the girls who works downstairs visibly shivers in disgust.

"You okay?" I ask quietly, so no one else can overhear.

She turns to me with a surprised expression. "I'm fine, why?"

"No reason, you just looked kinda uncomfortable."

She glances over her shoulder before leaning in. "There are some nasty rumors going around about Neil."

I cringe. "What kind of rumors?"

"The girl you replaced? She left suddenly with no notice. She really liked working here and she needed the job, so it didn't make sense. There is a rumor that Neil.. you know... took advantage of her," Daisy shrugs. "No one knows what really happened, she didn't report anything, but that's what people are saying."

"Who'd you hear that from?" I ask casually.

"Isla," she whispers, nodding toward the blonde across the room. "But don't tell her I told you okay?"

"We don't even talk. Don't worry about it. Has anyone ever come forward with accusations?"

Daisy shakes her head. "Not that I know of. As I said, they're rumors. But everyone knows he's kinda creepy, and rumors always start somewhere..."

I feel uncomfortable when I step into Neil's office. He's never necessarily crossed a line with me before, but my conversation with Daisy puts me on edge.

Neil stands from his desk when I arrive and crosses the room to close the door behind me.

"I hear you've been doing really well. How are you liking your job here?" He leans back against his desk.

"I love it so far. Everyone has been really welcoming." I smile awkwardly, eager for him to get to the point of this private conversation.

"Great. Good to hear. We're happy to have you. I'd like to finish up your training tonight, are you able to stay late? I need to teach you how to close up. It's unlikely you'll have to do it often, but I like everyone to know how, just in case."

"Oh, yeah no problem."

"Great!" He moves past me and opens the door, allowing me to leave. "Good luck on the floor."

I smile and nod as I leave the room.

I go over our short interaction in my mind, searching for anything even remotely unprofessional in his demeanor but come up with nothing. He was direct and appropriate from start to finish.

I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt until he gives me a reason not to. God only knows what kind of rumors Isla is spreading about me, and I know for a fact none of them are true.

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