Chapter 27

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Three days passed by and Kibum was still staying at Jonghyun's place and was avoiding Minho, he felt that he was still not ready to face him.

The day when he heard that Minho went on a date, he felt that whatever they had between them was only for a time being and he was blind and an idiot to think he can have a perfect relationship with Minho.

Kibum was now sitting and listening to the lecture, the professor raised his voice a bit, trying to be loud enough for everyone to listen, "2 weeks later you will have an examination. You will have to select a model and have him or her dressed in the clothes you have made, there will be a fashion show held and your models have to perform. There should be 3 different dresses that you have to present. Your scores will be evaluated for the term based on this fashion show, so be well prepared. Don't let me down and show me what you have got."

The lecture was over and soon the class was filled with various noises, Jonghyun looked at his friend who was writing something in his book, "So who are you going to choose as a model?"

Kibum closed his book and shrugged, "I don't have anyone in mind right now. What about you?"

Jonghyun sighed, "I think I'll ask N to be my model, his persona matches well with my style of clothes." "N?" It took a few seconds for Kibum to realize who Jonhyun was talking about, "Hak Yeon? The guy from our high school? You still keep in touch with him?"

Jonghyun gave a slight nod, "Hmm...his cautious and stern personality goes well with the clothes I have designed."

"And I think you should go with Leo to be your model. He looks like a closed type of guy, looks like an introvert but not really , he has nice looks and he would blend well with the dresses you are designing, the cold beauty theme you are going for."

A light flickered in Kibum's eyes as he stood up, "Now that you say it, he really does blend well with my style of clothing. Let me go and ask him if he can be my model."

With this Kibum packed his stuff and ran out of the classroom, a second later, Jonghyun realized something, Leo is a soccer player and Minho's friend who too is a soccer player, and from the looks of it Kibum is going to the soccer field, What the hell, the least thing Jonghyun wanted right now was for Kibum and Minho to meet, a long sigh left Jonghyun's lips as he hoped for the best.

He picked his things up and decided to go to the Soccer field to help his friend.

Only when Kibum arrived at the soccer field and saw Minho practicing there did he realize the problem, a thought came to his mind and he was going to turn right away but Minho had already spotted him, "Kibum!"

Kibum halted his step and took a look at Minho who was running towards him, all the feeling that he wanted to convey and the words that he wanted to ask Minho formed a lump in his throat and choked him, making him hard to breathe but still he managed to squeeze out a simple, "Hey."

Minho stopped at one distance away from Kibum, and observed him carefully before speaking out, there was so much he wanted to say but could only speak a single word, "Hey~"

They both stared at each other in silence that seemed like hours, but was only a minute, Minho took a deep breath as he asked, "You haven't come back for a few days so I was wondering if you are alright?"

Kibum answered, "I am alright." He took a pause for a second then asked, "What about you? Are you ready for the selection?"

Minho took a look at the field then said, "More or less yeah."

This conversation they were having, pretending that everything was alright was actually very suffocating as if the air was choking their neck and their heart has been forcefully stopped.

This uncomfortable atmosphere was broken when Leo approached them, "Hey Key."

Kibum smiled slightly, happy that the atmosphere was broken, "Hi Leo."

There was a pause for a second before Kibum turned to Leo and asked, "Leo I have something important to talk to you, are you free right now?"

"Yeah, we were about to have a break. What is it that you want to talk about?" Leo said.

Kibum without wasting any time, got to the point, "Actually 2 weeks later, we have a fashion show and I wanted to ask if you can be my model. It's alright if you can't, I know you have selections going on, and you-"

Leo shook his head interrupted him, "No it's alright. I can. The selections are on Saturday, and after that, we are allowed to take a break for a week."

Kibum's eyes lit up again as he asked, "Are you sure it's okay?"

Seeing this Leo laughed slightly, "Yeah it's alright. But to tell you the truth I have no modeling experience."

Kibum too chuckled, "Modelling is not that hard, I will teach you the basics. Thanks for accepting to be my model."

Leo patted Kibum's shoulder, "No need to thank me. Then if you are free in the afternoon, would you like to go for coffee, I have a few things I would like to know about modeling."

Kibum nodded his head, he was very much excited, "Yes let's meet at 2 in the cafe in front of the campus."

"Okay. Then I'll go now. Bye," Leo said as he walked away.

As soon as Leo walked away, the atmosphere turned back to the way it was before. Minho felt his heart clench when he saw Kibum and Leo all friendly, he took a deep breath to calm himself down and then asked, "When are you coming back?"

Kibum's gaze was anywhere but Minho, he knew that he can't always stay at Jonghyun's, he had to face Minho sooner or later, "I will be back tomorrow."

Hearing this Minho's face brightened, "Really?"

However before he could hear Kibum say anything, Jonghyun approached them, "Key what are you doing here?  Let's go we have a lot of things to prepare."

After a pause for a second, Jonghyun turned to Minho, "Oh hello Minho." he said with a not so friendly smile on his face, Jonghyun is a type of person who cares a lot about his friends and if someone hurts his friends, well then they are on his radar. 

Kibum smiled at Jonghyun, fully knowing that he was here to help him, "Oh sorry let's go then." Then both had a tacit look of understanding between them and was going to walk away when Minho called out, "Kibum~"

Kibum clenched his teeth and turned to look at Minho, "See you tomorrow Minho"

With this they both walked away leaving Minho behind.
Author's Note:

My exams are finally over and I have completed my assignments, so I am free for a while, these days I would try to have steady updates and make up for the missed chapters. 
Thank you everyone for understanding my situation.

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