Chapter 23

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A week passed by, Minho and Kibum still couldn't find answers. They both would kiss whenever no one was looking, they would chat with each other all the time when they were not together.

Throughout this whole week, Minho didn't take the initiative to contact Naeun and she didn't either. Minho felt that every time they fought he was the only one to try and settle things so this time, he left everything to be but deep in his heart, he knew that this was not the only reason. He also liked being with Kibum.

It was late in the afternoon, Kibum and Minho were sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching a random movie, sometimes kissing each other or lazily running their hands in the other person's hair.

The doorbell rang, Kibum got up from the couch wondering who might be at this hour, he opened the door and visibly froze, his heart clenched a light too tight but then next second he forced a smile, "Come in~"

Minho craned his neck a bit and asked, "Who is it Kibum?"

However Kibum didn't answer and a girl's soft voice came from behind, "Minho~"

Minho got up from the couch as he saw Naeun approaching, slowly, "Hey~"

Minho was stunned and he didn't know what o say, his eyes traveled to Kibum who had closed the door and had followed behind, his expression outside was calm but somehow Minho knew it was completely opposite inside.

Naeun awkwardly stood in the living room, the silence surrounding the whole house was getting uncomfortable.

Kibum forced himself to say, "I will go back to my room, you guys talk." As he said this, he dragged his feet towards his room, passing by Minho but not looking at him. The pain was getting severe and it felt like Kibum would choke on the spot.

When the door to Kibum's room shut, Naeun said, "Minho I am sorry."

Minho didn't look at her and just turned the TV off, he tidied the couch, then the tea table that had popcorn mess.

Minho finally turned towards her, "Sit down." His voice sounded extremely sharp which made Naeun flinch but she still obeyed.

Minho sat opposite of her, Naeun continued saying, "Minho I am ----"

He interrupted her, "Naeun a week and you didn't contact me and now you are here on my door saying you are 'sorry' what do you want me to say?"

Naeun was silent for a few seconds before she burst out crying, Minho didn't know what to do, he didn't mean to make her cry, he only wanted her to explain herself, he didn't need her apology, he needed a reason, an explanation about why she didn't contact him.

Minho let out a sigh as he walked over towards her and hugged her from the side, he couldn't help but say, "I didn't ask you to cry. I just want a reason, can't you understand?" although his words were harsh, his voice was almost to the point of pleading.

10 minutes passed by and Naeun finally calmed down, she started to explain herself, "My grandma was sick, she was in a critical condition, so I was at the hospital, I wanted to contact you too but I couldn't....."

Hearing the mention of grandma again, Minho let out yet another sigh, "Naeun can I go to meet your grandma?"

Suddenly Naeun shot her head upwards, "Why do you want to meet her?" before Minho could answer Naeun said, "You are thinking I am lying right? You don't believe me right? You thought that I am making an excuse of my sick grandma I was paying around, that's what you want to say isn't it?"

Minho stared at her, and then tried to explain himself, "It's not that. I am just worried......Nevermind. When you meet her take care of her okay?"

Naeun nodded before asking, "So we are good?"

Unknowingly and unconsciously when Minho took in the question, his eyes traveled to Kibum's closed door, he stared at it for a few seconds before hesitantly nodding. Instead of being happy that he got back together with his girlfriend, Minho felt that something was missing, something too big. Making a huge gap in his heart.

Kibum was in his room, staring blankly at the wall, his heart was still in pain so much that he wanted to cry, he knew this feeling well, it was like the time when Jonghyun said he was dating Taemin, the only difference was that this time it was even stronger.

Now he knew that Kibum loved Minho, and this made him feel worse, he knew instinctively that Minho and Naeun had made up, he wondered why did he have to always have to fall for people he was not supposed to fall in love with.

As Kibum tried to control the pain in his heart, saying that he has suffered from it once, he can do it again. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table that was left on charge.

He removed the charger and kept it away, he went to the chat log and started typing quick.


Jongie~ Where are you?

Reply soon

Do you want to go have a drink with me?

Remember last time I told you that when I am ready I will tell you, I think I am ready.

Kibum turned the screen off, he needed to go out, he wanted to escape this house before Minho and Naeun were done talking. He had no energy to talk to Minho. Right now the only thing he wanted was to calm his aching heart, drink so much to the point of forgetting who he was.

5 minutes, his phone started to buzz.


I am here.

What's wrong?

Are you okay?

Okay, let's go-to drink

and then talk

when should we meet?


Can we meet now?


uh..okay let's meet, near my place.


See you in 30

After typing this, Kibum kept his phone away, he started to change into some decent clothes. Although he had no energy still he decided to style his hair, thinking 'Appearance matters.'

After he was done, he opened his door a little and saw that Minho and Naeun were not in the living room, maybe they had gone into the bedroom, this thought left a sour taste in his mouth.

He picked up a sticky note and started to scribble some words down. When he was done, he placed a sticky note on his door and the other on the tea table in front of the couch.

He looked in the direction of Minho's room and then stared at the closed door for a while before sighing and walking out of the house.
Author's Note:

Hello guys, I have two things to inform you about, 1st = This FF will have at most 35-40 chapters that's it. So yeah things will start moving quick. 
2nd = Let's just say 'drama ahead'

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