Chapter 9

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Kibum dragged Minho through different shops, when they went out of the house, everything was normal, Kibum and Minho shopped a few clothes but as time went by Minho found himself being dragged around by his arm.

They were now currently in a mall, in shoes section, Kibum looked at Minho, his eyes gleaming with excitement, it was somthing similar to a child who was given his favourite candy or a musician finding his muse, a look of excitement, joy and interest,  seeing this expression on Kibum's face made Minho take a mental note that 'Kibum deifinitely loved Shopping.'

And seeing this expression also warmed his heart up, he doesn't know why  but he sure enjoyed the look Kibum had on his face, it made him smile too.

Kibum picked a pair of shoes, he examined it carefully, it was black shoes with white sole, it looked simple yet elegant in it's own way, Kibum took the shoes to the counter, Minho followed behind him knowing Kibum liked this shoes and has decided to buy it.

The lady at the counter asked,"How are you going to pay sir?" Minho was going to give her his  card to swipe but Kibum took out his own card,"I am going to pay for this." Before minho could say something, the bill was already paid, Kibum took his card back and the bag of shoes.

He handed Minho the bag,"Take it. It's a gift from me."

Minho took the bag however he couldn't help but ask,"Why?" Kibum simply answered/,"Just wanted to give you something to thank you for shopping with me." Minho hesitantly said,"But you didn't buy anything for yourself, all we did was shop for me."

Kibum sighed and patted Minho's shoulder,"It's the sentiment that matters not what we buy." With this he started to walk out of the door. Minho didn't know what to say anymore. He could only accept the gift.

Sighing he followed Kibum behind, he said,"Let's go grab a bite to eat before we shop for something else." Kibum nodded, he too was getting tired and needed to sit down and take a break, he was also happy that minho didn't saything else regarding the gift, the real reason for the gift was because of Minho's comforting words the other day. It really meant a lot to him. Though he won't say it outfront.


It was late in the evening when Minho and  Kibum came back to their house, they both were out the whole day, it really drained their energy to the last bits.

They both sat down on the couch lazily, too exhausted to move, the back of their hands brushing against each other, none of them pulled their hand back like they had been doing these past few days, maybe it was because they were just too tired or maybe it was just soothing to have the other besides. 

They both turned to face each other, their eyes connecting, a soft smiling blossoming on their lips, comfortable silence was covering the atmosphere, Minho was the one to break it,"Thanks for today. I had a great time." 

Kibum smiled,"I also enjoyed myself today."

After the silence continued for another long while, Kibum got up from the couch,"I will go change then go sleep,  you should too, tomorrow we will arrange your clothings."

Minho gave a slight nod,"Okay go get some rest."

They both shared another eye contact that lasted a few seconds longer before going to back to their own rooms. They both was feeling a surge of warmth even after such a tiring day, they had enjoyed their time together, and were unconsciously thinking of things they could do next time they would go out.
Author's Note:

This was the most uneventful chapter I have written in my life.
Guys I feel like my writing is getting crappy, I am starting to study how to write better. 

Also sorry for the late update, my college is not letting me rest and are taking exams one after another. I feel so drained atm.

I will try to update more often, I promise.

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