Chapter 4: "First Night"

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"Gongjun immediately gets to the place where the bar is located and finds hanhan  holded by xiaoyu ,he immediately gets hanhan to his shoulders and thanks xiaoyu for taking care of him…"

"Which xiaoyu nods and says welcome and says that hanhan needs to talk with you about something…"

"And after that he goes to their car where hanhan is in his back and puts hanhan in the passenger's seat to make him comfortable and drive home …"

"Why do you drink so much Bao?"

Junjun ask calmly while driving

Hanhan doesn't respond….

"After a few minutes they have arrived at their house ,and junjun quickly gets hanhan out of the car carrying him in a bridal style.."

"He carefully puts down zhehan on the bed and gently taps him to wake up.."


"Baby you need to wake up now" pulling up hanhan's hands but Hanhan doesn't respond..

Hanhan just hummed  softly and mumbled something to him that made Junjun pinch his cheeks ..

"Baby why don't you get up , you're so cute when you're drunk. " Gongjun laughing while holding hanhan

"While he was pinching hanhan's cheeks ,he was  suddenly grabbed  by the hanhan touching and grasping his body towards  him while mumbling  he feels hot with his clothes on…"


"Bao, can you take off my polo ? It kinda feels hot right now."Hanhan said while unbuttoning his pants …

"While Gongjun is shocked at what he is seeing right now because this is the first time he will see his baby's body …."

and he suddenly whispered in Hanhan's ear and said..

"Why are you so attractive baby?I can't stop staring at your body figure right now."

"This is the first time I've seen your body in full view, baby , can I touch it?"

"And hanhan suddenly nodded, giving junjun his permission to be touched…."

"Then he suddenly grabbed hanhan's face towards him and quickly kiss him torridly slid his tongue towards the mouth of zhehan while Hanhan follow the rhythm and moan…."

"Gongjunnnn!! "muffled by hanhan while junjun was pulling him close to him and kissing his nape hardly forms a hickey ….

That made Zhehan blushed and moaned from the sensation he felt …

And suddenly Junjun feels an erection towards the little moans of his baby that made him lose his mind…

"Ohhhhh!! gongjun more pleaseee!" 

"Hanhan moaned while Junjun was focused on exploring his body and making marks in every inch of it."

  Gong Jun’s fingers itch, making grabby motions, but doesn’t know where to touch. 

But where should I touch? He thought.

Zhehan chuckles. He grabs Gong Jun’s hands that are awkwardly hanging on the side, raised as if he’s surrendering to an arrest. “Touch me here.” He guides Gong Jun’s hands again and places them on his ass. “You can grope me, pinch me, do whatever— ah.”

Gong Jun makes that grabby motion again, and he ended up grabbing a handful of Zhehan’s ass.that made  Zhehan’s sudden gasp, “You like it?” He asks and grabs his ass again.

“Hmm. I like it,” Zhehan asks and grins at him. “Do it again bao,press it harder please....”

Their lips meet again. They’re pressed even closer now, chest to hips, with Hanhan’s arms looping around his neck. Gong Jun did grope him some more. He felt bolder and bolder with every gasp of Zhehan’s against his lips and switches from groping to kneading, as if he’s measuring Zhehan’s ass

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