CHAPTER 1: Beginning

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Their love story started way back 7 years ago when Gongjun and Zhehan were in college and become a popular college sweethearts  of their batch and got together for 7 years were they able to reach their dreams together….

Where Gongjun is now a certified master head chef of a popular 5 star hotel while Zhehan is now a  professional teacher teaching lessons about performing arts at a prestigious college University of Performance of Arts in Shanghai.

At this point in their lives will they be able to stay together happy?Will they be able to be ready in the twist of their faith that will make them shocked?

 While Gongjun is preparing a breakfast sandwich and juice for hanhan,hanhan is peacefully sleeping inside their room resulting from an overloaded work yesterday because of an event at the university .. While he was sleeping, Junjun prepared two lunchboxes for him and for his baobao..

when everything is done ,he carefully goes to their room and see his beautiful husband cutely snoring at the the time the made him fall harder for his baobao

He wakes him up by  gently tapping  his baobao and by planting a  kiss on his forehead to wake up..

"Baby time to wake up ,you need to get up before you get late for you're class."

"okay bao give me 5 minutes pls."

"No baby you need to get up now. " Junjun laughing at his husband while stroking hanhan's hair and examining his husband's beautiful face.

After that hanhan opened his eyes and clearly saw his lovely husband staring at him for a minute that made him  flustered and  blushed for a second realizing how near his face was from his baobao….

 Because of that He quickly gets up and runs towards the room because of his face and cheeks  reddening because of junjun , while junjun on the other side is laughing at his wifey being a cute cat that he tamed

what the actual fuck?!! 

 Why am I blushing??!!!


"That made Gongjun laugh so hard when he heard his baby shouting his name loudly."

These kinds of scenes are very normal for these two because they've been together for a long time but their love and affection towards each other is overflowing and not changed by anything .

After the cute scenes they have in the morning,they go to their respective works where junjun drives by his car to drive zhehan to his work at the university and after that junjun also drives back on his work in the hotel being a head chef …

While junjun was working he received a call from yezi that he needed to go home because of an emergency at the time, where zhehan was rushed to the hospital because of exhaustion and heat towards an activity in the university ..

He immediately removes his apron and rush towards the  locker and get his car key and goes to his car and drove back to their house to check for his husband's condition that made him nervous as fuck ….

After 20 minutes had passed he safely arrived at their home and saw he's husband lying in the bed with a dextrose to his side and saw the pale skin and dry lips that made him worried for his baby and quickly ask the doctor what happened and what to do..

The doctor said that hanhan is experiencing dehydration and exhaustion where he needs to have a rest for a few days to gain back his energy which Gongjun nods and smiles afterwards when he realized that it's not something serious about hanhan's condition to worry about.

After the conversation with the doctor he quickly prepared a soup for hanhan, that it can make him feel better,

He gently tapped his husband to wake up , where Hanhan responded to him and ate the soup that his baobao prepares so that he would not be worried about him.

He finished his soup and Junjun quickly got the bowl from Hanhan and handed over the medicines he needed to take…

But suddenly hanhan quickly feels he wants to puke on the medicine but he can't because of Junjun and suddenly asks...

"Do I need to take this medicine bao."  Zhehan said while pouting and looking forward to his baobao.

"Yes,baby, it's recommended by the doctor to make you feel better," Gongjun said while staring at him..

"You need to take it before you're sick become worse baby"

 Hanhan quickly understood and  nodded carefully where he obediently ate his soup and drank his medicine ….

After that junjun carefully removes the plate on the bed and reminds hanhan to sleep peacefully and he will be right back after washing the plates and he nods at him quickly and obediently  sleeps in their bedroom.

And a few minutes later Gongjun gently goes to their bedroom and places himself towards hanhan and  squishes himself towards him and carefully hugs him from the back…

" Bao, can you please hug me to make me warm." Zhehan pleaded with his pouty lips..

"Of course baby!" Gongjun said and hugged him tightly and kissed him from the forehead.

that made zhehan feel better and blushed  at the back hugs he received from his husband that made them sleep together in a spooning position..

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