Chapter 6: cant escape you

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y/ns pov:

   Wow so he just wants to get rid of me, that jerk. I stand inside shocked at what i just heard, I'm assuming neither Arthur nor Merlin knew I heard them. I can't believe him, why is he still like this? I thought we were becoming friends-ish, you know what, I dont care anymore I'm going to bed.

   *time skip* 3 weeks go by and nothing much has changed but I'm getting better at fighting everyday. Arthur has helped me so much. He's even started to teach me how to use different weapons. It's awesome. Merlin and me though...we haven't talked much, we acknowledge one another but that's about it. It's weird.

    It's the morning and I'm waiting outside for Arthur to get started on some training when I see Merlin standing in the doorway just watching me. 

   "What are you looking at?" I asked him. He starts to walk towards me,

   "Nothing, I just find it amusing that you think you can get somewhere with your fighting skills" he folds his arms and looks at me as if he's mocking me. I frown, putting my hands on my hips.

"Ive gotten a lot better! Arthur said so."

Merlin scoffs, "Oh yeah? Prove it" he goes into a fighting stance. I smile doing the same.

   "No magic, got it?" I raise a brow,

   "Yeah yeah, I got it. Also I'll go easy, just for you darling" he says sarcastically with a smirk. I roll my eyes.

   "ready...set...GO!" Both of us ran towards each other. At first punches were thrown and I was able to avoid them, but he landed one. Then another, right at my gut. I bent over and he knocked me off my feet.

   "Just as I thought, you talk a big game-" he taunts me when I'm on the ground. I take this opportunity to swing my leg around him and trip him from behind. He fell on his back and I quickly jumped on top of him and pinned his arms above his head. Leaving him defenseless. 

   "Shouldn't have let your guard down" I smirk. Our faces are so close together I can feel his breath on my face, we hold eye contact while I'm sitting on his stomach, one hand holding down his hands and the other beside his face. Wow his face looks...nice up close, wait gross what am I thinking??

   "You know, if you wanted to pin me all you had to do was ask" Merlin said this and I could feel my eyes widen and face heat up. He sees my reaction and realizes what he said. Before we could do anything,

   "I would never-" I Start to say but Arthur appeared out of nowhere

   "Woah am I interrupting something?" he says playfully but somewhat sort of disappointed. I quickly jump off of Merlin and dust the dirt off of me.

   "We were just practicing fighti-"

   "Yeah she was just showing me what you taught her" Merlin adds, slowly getting up and scratching the back of his neck. Wait, that sounds wrong. I shoot merlin a dirty look.

   "Yeaaa I think I'll just come back once the two of you are done"  turns around and goes back inside,

   "Arthur wait-" I try to protest but he's gone before I can say more.

   Me and Merlin make eye contact and burst out laughing. I start to tear up, he wipes it with his thumb and traces it down the curves of my face, eyes following his hands. Then quickly looks up into my eyes like nothing happened and says "I admit it, you proved me wrong" he puts his hand on my head and roughs up my hair. What was that? His attitude changed for a second and then switched back almost immediately. Im probably just looking into it too much.  I slap his hands away and calm my laughs down.

   "I love hearing those words come out of your mouth" we both smile.

   "I'm gonna go now, cya y/n" and with that he walks off. I missed this.

Merlins POV:

   Why did I do that? God what is wrong with me? Why am I acting like this? I don't understand! I walk towards the bathroom and lock the door. I splash some water on my face and just look at myself. I need to go and clear my head. I let everyone know i'm going to the town by myself and i'm off.

*time skip*

    I make it to the town and I'm surrounded by girls. This is what I needed. I walk around and me and the girls have a nice chat, we walk to get some drinks and I realize it's the cafe where I first met y/n.

   "Let's go somewhere else" I tell the girls.

   "Why?" one of the girls says, "this is the best cafe here."

   "It used to be" says another

   "What do you mean?" I ask

   "Well, a while back one of the best waitresses got fired. Apparently she messed up really bad when some important customers came in. You wouldn't really notice her if you went in there but she was kind of the person who made everything work behind the scenes. Since she left the place has been all over the place" the first girl said.

   "Yea I heard they've been looking for her everywhere but she's nowhere to be seen. I think the rumors are true and she's a criminal on the run."

   "What? What did she do?"

   "I don't know, they're not saying they just said she's wanted"

   "Aww i'm gonna miss her she was funny,"

   I just walk and listen quietly to their conversation, they dont seem to notice for a while but then the first girl says "hey Merlin, you've been quiet for a while what are you thinking about so deeply"

   "Yea I didn't know you could think" Joked the other girl.

   "Madeline! Don't be rude he's clearly going through something right now"

  "What? No I'm not going through anything I'm fine, I was just listening to you talk"

   "Okay obviously there's something else you're thinking of as well, you always like joining in on conversations." says Madeline

   "It's okay you can tell us, we don't gossip." Yea right, you're saying that like you weren't just gossiping for the last half of an hour.

   "You started getting quiet when we mentioned the cafe, no actually I think it was when we started talking about that waitress. Wait." Madeline stops and stares right at me. "You know the waitress? Were you thinking about that waitress because you know her?"

  "OH MY GOD, were you the important customer"

  I'm quiet for a moment but my silence is enough of an answer for the girls. I can feel that I've been figured out so I give up on trying to hide it. "HOW did you figure all of that out just by my silence"

   "Because your actions made it obvious, you're such an easy person to read."

   "Oh, I think I'm gonna go now" I say and turn around.

   "Wait, please don't go, I didn't mean to upset you. HEY! You never even asked for my name. IT'S ELIZABETH!"

   "Goodbye Elizabeth'' I called back. Now she's infiltrating my social life too? Why can't I escape y/n anywhere I go?

Authors note: sorry this took a while to release, I took a break cause of school and life lol. I hope the wait was worth it tho!

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