Chapter 1:

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Im working at the cafe wiping the counter, I just got done serving some guy, he comes here often trying to flirt with the girls who work here. unfortunately he chose me today, its so sad seeing how hard he tries even though he is terrible at it. He tried to ask me out, AGAIN, which of course i said no. so he got mad and stormed out.

As Im finishing cleaning the counter I hear screams,

"oh no..." I mumble. I watch as all the girls from the cafe run out in a stampede shoving each other to get to the middle of the crowd. "not again" I don't bother checking to see what all the comotion is about, I already know. "the fearless seven" they always take away my customers whenever they're in town, all the girls including the other waitresses leave and don't bother coming back.

I don't really care about some overhyped pretty boys running around casting spells for fun, so I decided to just clean up some things in the back. A few minutes pass and i hear the crowd coming closer to me. The door opened and a what seems like hundreds of voices fill the room. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, people will probably want to order things so I go back to the counter. I scan the room quickly to see if any of the other waitresses are here to help but of course they are all in the crowd trying their hardest to have a look at the seven. All the boys are waiting at the counter relishing with all the attention they are getting.

Merlin, the "fan favorite" leans over the counter and proceeds to look me up and down. I don't see what the hype is about, he's just another arrogant guy who's full of himself.

"Hey there darling, would you mind getting us 7 hocus lattes?" he says with a smirk. I roll my eyes "of course anything for you Merlin" I say this very sarcastically. I begin to count the price of the lattes.

"That'll be 25 gold coins" Merlin chuckles at this, I give him a confused look. "I was actually hoping you could take care of that for me?" he leans in closer and slowly puts his hand on top of mine. This sets me off, I quickly pull my hand away,

"Tell me you're joking" I said angrily, Merlin took a step back.

"What?" he asks, confused. There's no way he's this stupid "not only do you drive away all my customers every time you are here, you have the audacity to ask me to give you seven lattes for free!" he just stands there dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

"Please leave" I whisper to him

He squints his eyes "excuse me?"

"You heard me, leave" I say sternly. Merlin scoffs and walks away taking the crowd of girls with him. I breathe a sigh of relief, finally they're gone. I see from the corner of my eyes that there's someone still here, it's Jack, a member of the fearless seven.

He walks up to me "sorry about merlin he can be...a lot sometimes"

"You don't say.." I laugh.

"Well i'm off then, im sorry again!" Jack yells out before leaving and closing the door behind him.

I smile, happy they all left, but it soon fades when I hear a loud "AHEM" I jump and turn to see my manager was there the whole time. Oh no this can't be good,

"What the hell just happened?" she asks, I can see her face go red,

"What d-do you mean?" I ask nervously,

"You just let all of our customers go! I thought I would let you get away with it the first time but not anymore. y/n YOU ARE FIRED!" she screams.

"Please! You can't do this!" I plead,

"Go before I make you!" she pointed to the exit, I gathered my things, there wasn't much, and I headed for the exit, tears swelling up in my eyes. What am I gonna do now? I needed this job!

I can't let her just get away with screwing me over like this. Then an idea pops into my head.

I go behind the store where we would put boxes or old slightly broken cups or plates, I let out all my anger. I was throwing boxes left and right, shattering cups, plates, anything you could think of.

I heard the door knob shaking, I quickly stopped and ran as fast as I could to avoid getting caught. I make it all the way back home before quickly closing the door and falling to the floor. I lay there for a bit not knowing how I'll be able to eat without that damn job.

*time skip*

It's been a week since I lost my job and I ran out of money. My manager didn't give me my last pay cheque, probably because she knew I broke all those things, and I used up all my savings. Every now and then I see the fearless seven, and merlin surrounded by fangirls as usual, gross.

I haven't eaten in 2 days and I was becoming desperate. I needed money. I saw a merchant selling some expensive jewelry, so when I made sure no one was looking I quickly went up, grabbed a necklace and ran.

"HEY GET BACK HERE THIEF!!" The merchant notifies everyone around him and some guards overhear and see me run so they chase after me.

"SH*T!!" I notice the guards so I start to head for the forest, I push past people trying to get through them all but the guards continue after me. I try to lose them in the crowd but it's no use.

Eventually I make it to the forest where I see a massive bush. I take the opportunity and jump into it, once I do, I start to roll down a hill. I keep hitting rocks and branches, eventually I make it to the bottom.

I quickly look behind me where the bush was to make sure the guards haven't found me, thankfully the coast is clear. I sigh "thank goodness " I whisper before taking a step forward, that's when I'm snatched into the air.

authors note- hey yall hope you liked this episode, for my readers from my previous story, i hope you enjoy the perspective change!

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