The Treasure Collector

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It has been a week now since I went in search for a new broken treasure. Well I guess that Detective Hewitt and the police department had as much free time. I parked my car in the parking lot of the Sunny's Supermarket and made my way out. I was falling short on some groceries and cat treats for Casper.

As I pull the door to enter, the cold combustible air from inside met my skin and in a quick reflex my body tensed to stop a shiver that was threatening to come. With one deep breath, I continued down the narrow pathway to the trolley section. I gave it a gentle pull but it wouldn't even budge, they need to get some damn new trolleys cause I don't have time.

My impatience grew by the second causing me to yank the damn thing. Luckily I didn't hit anyone with it, I turned it into the direction I wanted it to go but the frickin wheels won't stop screaming, can't they fucking grease these pieces of shits. I roll my eyes in annoyance continuing down the narrow pathway. I stopped for a few seconds analyzing the different cat treats they have.

Just to my luck I found the last Chicken flavored Temptations cat food. My hand reaches out to grab the package but to my dismay another hand reaches out to grab it also. The hand had more of a feminine touch to it, well manicured fingernails and an emerald bracelet that fit her skin color well. I lowered my hands looking over at her, while she does the same. Just as I thought she's mesmerizing, her rare emerald eyes stood out the most aside from her medium tone skin, fluffy black hair and two different shade naturally plump lips.

I just found my next treasure, "I'm sorry you can have it" she says pointing towards the treat. She looks very innocent, as if she had never sinned. Her clothes preference screamed my life is fucked up, I don't give a damn about my style of clothing and nobody cares. She was wearing a plain black ankle length skirt that flowed freely around her bottom half, a grey turtle neck shirt that stopped at her waist and hugged her body.

She looked like a ninety year old lady, her slippers were yet a bit noticable. If she hadn't looked so innocent I would've by passed her a long time. "It's ok I'll just go to another store" I say giving her a small smile. She tries to hide her blush but fails miserably. That's all it takes a frickin smile, women are too easy. I roll my eyes internally, women are desperate beings that seems to can't function without men.

No matter how independent they are they still need men, but women like her needs me for a whole other reason. "Are you sure?" She asks softly. Are you deaf? "Yes I'm sure" I reassure her yet again. "I-I mean I could go to another store too" she's really getting on my nerves. "Yes I'm sure" I repeated slowly. She suppresses a giggle, is she trying to play games with me right now.

Out of no where a hand stretches in between us and grabs the package. The man continues down the narrow passageway after retrieving the last Temptations cat treat. A sudden wave of laughter bores into my ear drums causing me to flinch a little but let out a soft chuckle.

She's so damn boisterous, it should be a sin. I internally roll my eyes as she tries to calm herself down. I still kept a smile on my face not letting her have an inclining of what I thought about her. I would've excused myself and left her stranded but there was something about her, she needs me to put her out of her misery. She looks so pure, so lost and so alone.

"I'm so sorry about that, neither of us got to buy it" she says shaking her head in disapproval. "He got lucky" I replied cheekily hiding the annoyance I felt. "Yeah he sure did" she says slightly rocking back and forth on her heels. She was fiddling with her fingers, swallowing hard, refusing eye contact and her breathing was heavy all signs of nervousness or maybe anxiety.

The silence between us was getting very loud minus the noisy people shouting for prices and complaining about items being overly priced. Could they be more uncivilized. I tried my best to ignore them and focus my attention back to this woman. "I didn't get your name" I tell her breaking the silence, her expression softens as a smile forms on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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