Chapter 3: Detective Hewitt

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"Detective..." I greet my new partner for the time being, as I take my rightful seat around my desk. "Good morning Detective Hewitt" he greets back. He's early which was expected, these new comers over do it. A black folder catches my eyes, "Captain Zein gave the both of us a copy to review" he briefly informs me.

I exhaled rubbing my temples. I went to bed a little late last night because I wanted to spend more time with my boy before he departs today. Dinner went fine eventually and he found a job as a personal assistant for some guy in the business department. He has been hella busy but by all means I understood. As for college he hasn't made up his mind about going, it annoyed me but it's his life and I'll support him anyway I can.

I opened the folder revealing the new case, the picture of the bloodied dress I saw yesterday made my stomach turn. This psycho had to be stopped before he finds another poor victim. I let out an exaggerated sigh as I briefly skipped through the file. As soon as I closed it a knock on the door caught my attention. I looked over at Manner who was also alerted.

"Come in" I tell whoever is on the other end. The door opened revealing Mr and Mrs. Stanley they were both dressed and ready for the press. I hadn't forgotten about the press conference today just outside of the station doors. "Good morning Detective Hewitt..." She greets as she invites herself in followed by her husband. They had a rather surprised look on there faces when they saw Detective Manner.

"I'm Detective Manner.... I'll be assisting this case" he stands up giving Mrs. Stanley a charming smile as he stretches out his right hand for her to shake. She seemed pleased by his gesture as she gives him a small smile and shakes his hand. He has quite the charm, he gave Mr. Stanley a swift hand shake and sits back down. "So w-what..." Mrs. Stanley timidly clears her throat, the words couldn't seem to leave her lips.

I look over at Manner whose expression was saddened, poor fella had to see this on the very first day. I watch as he leaves his seat asking for my consent with his finger to stand beside me. I nod in agreement, I can't be the one to tell her. By the look on their faces I think they knew what was coming next. "What are the results detectives?" Mr. Stanley spoke up.

"I would suggest you both sit Mr and Mrs. Stanley..." Manner begins. They both sat down immediately.
"I'm most dreadfully sorry to inform you that it was a match for your daughters DNA" Manner replies as he hands Mrs. Stanley the tissue paper holder. She takes the entire box instead and starts to break down. As much as my son is alive I couldn't relate to her on that.

I look over at Mr. Stanley as he consoles his wife, I watch as his lips quiver and a tear rolls down his cheek. I couldn't stay any longer in this room filled with sorrow, I look over at Manner whose face was filled with pity. I look over at my watch, it's five minutes until the press conference. I bet that the press is already outside eager for them to come out. They disgust me but I guess if it isn't for them the information will not go international.

I sure do hope she tries to compose herself a little before it's time. We sat there for the next fives minutes watching her cry, she wipes the snort coming from her nose and takes a deep breath in. She tries to compose herself as she gets up from her seat taking yet another deep breath. Finally, I don't mean to be inconsiderate but I have another case plus clue to attend to.

Her husband pulls the door for her and both Manner and I followed behind them like lost two sheepdogs not knowing what to say to comfort her, besides she has her husband. As the station's exit opens reporters swarmed them with questions forcing their microphones in their faces. They are like motherfucking pigs looking for their next money break. A few rookies were put there to block them from coming near us.

We finally reached the little podium, I step up to the front with a paper in hand as I began....
"Elizabeth Jonesboro, was a well loved young woman who had her entire life ahead of her, but it was cut short because of a vicious being...."
A sob escapes Mrs. Stanley's lips making the situation ten times more depressing. I clear my throat and began again.

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