"Woah!" Everyone exclaimed as they read the title of the 4th test. Raina was both excited and nervous about this test.

"This test will decide the final 13 members. Only those 13 people will go on to the final competition to debut."

Meaning if you get eliminated. It's over. Raina thought to herself, she knew this was coming sooner or later but that was before she got attached to everyone here.

"This test won't take the original joint responsibility process. Through the choice of I-LANDERs, producers, and the votes of the world, we will determine the final 13 people, who will be eligible to continue on the competition for the debut. The I-LANDERs who will be eliminated by this test will be 3 by the I-LANDERs choice, and another 3 by producer choice. So, in total of 6 I-LANDERs will be eliminated."

"6 of us no matter what." Raina muttered to herself. Leaving 7 I-LANDERs left and she needed to be one of them.

"The 6 people who got eliminated, will have to wait on the global vote with the GROUNDERs."

"Woah." Raina said out of disbelief at the new elimination rules. for the GROUNDER's, that means they could only survive by the global votes.

"From now on, we'll reveal the test song for The Final 13 people test."

Everyone watched the screens. This song was very fitting for them, Raina loved it.

"The thing is, this isn't a test where our team score determines the number of people disqualified so we should each focus on our strengths and do well." Seon spoke. He was right. The reality is if you didn't shine and give it your all in this test, it would be your downfall.

Raina looked around at her friends, some of which would be her last time seeing them. And the realisation of how attached she had become to these people hit her full force causing her heart to feel heavy. But for now, Raina pushed her emotions away like she always did and focused on the test.

"Part 1 is long." Jungwon pointed out as everyone analysed what part from 1 to 13 they wanted.

"Well...I haven't been centre yet, looking at the dace, it's a style I like." K spoke up. Raina did agree that the dance style suited him and he was pretty stable when he performed.

"K spoke up about wanting to do part 1, but is there anyone else that wants to do it?" Raina asked as she looked around at the others wanting to see if anyone wanted the part.

"Then can those who want to do part 1 raise your hand?" Seon asked. Personally, Raina didn't volunteer for part one as she didn't feel connected with the part. Despite the good amount of lines it offered. Raina was a little surprised when she saw Kyungmin raise his hand but, was proud he wanted to give it a go.

"If you think K Hyung should do part 1, raise your hand." Although Raina was proud of Kyungmin for wanting it to give part 1 a go. She thought K had the skills to do it well. So she raised her hand. Sadly, no one vote for Kyungmin. And soon everyone had their parts. Raina had gotten part 3.

Afterwards, everyone made their way to the item room where their stage outfits were displayed.

"Woah! Raina that one must be yours!" Jake exclaimed as he pointed at the outfit on the mannequin. It was similar to the others in terms of style but instead of a white dress shirt and a black half-blazer harness. Her's was all black, and on the blazer was white lace detailing, making it a bit more feminine. She loved it so much.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Once again, just like clockwork, Raina couldn't get to sleep. But instead of taking out her sketchpad, she headed to one of the individual practice rooms and began to practice for what seemed to be hours. She had so many worries but she didn't want to confide in anyone as they all had a lot more important stuff to worry about.

To be honest, Raina was terrified. Yes, she was talented and she knew that. Yes, she has a good reputation and experience. Raina was terrified because if she didn't get through this and debut, she didn't know what she'd do. She was already 24 in Korea, if she didn't debut this time around. She knew there wouldn't be any more chances for her.  Raina was terrified because she doubted herself so much. To the point where she'd look at herself in the mirror and think why she even tried in the first place. Raina had trained and trained endlessly for years, she'd train until her voice and body couldn't take it anymore. She had given up everything she had back in New Zealand to be here. She could've been participating in the Olympics, or accepted her scholarship to Harvard University. She couldn't take any of that back, for her, this was her do all or end-all.

On the outside. Raina was this confident, talented, outgoing woman who has so much potential. But on the inside, she's just a young woman who suffered alone. Because it's easier to keep everything in and pretend to be okay. But Raina didn't know how much longer she could keep acting before she cracked.

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