Chapter 20 - Acceptance & Happy Endings

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"Mandy, we're so glad that you could make it."

Mandy smiled graciously at Lady Grantham as she, Mandy, Edith, Sybil, Mrs. Crawley, and Lord Grantham stood in the entry hall at Downton Abbey the next day. Mandy thought long and hard about whether she should really go, but Thomas's image pushed her forward. It was about time that everything was settled.

"I'm grateful that you invited me," Mandy said, and glanced at Sybil, who smiled at her.

"We hope that you forgive our family, at least certain members of it, for the way they treated you last," Lord Grantham said.

"I don't harbor any ill feelings," Mandy said, and she felt a tug in her gut that told her she lied. "I just want this all to pass, and we can move on with our lives. Maybe this time, we can finally move on."

Sybil came and took Mandy's arm. "Exactly. Now, let us go into the drawing room while we wait for luncheon to be served."

The family agreed, and they all convened in the drawing room. Mandy stood with Sybil and Mrs. Crawley while the two discussed the hospital. She eyed William who was in there serving tea. Mandy was glad to see William, who turned his head from Lord Grantham and gave her a smile, but she wanted to see Thomas. Would he be in the luncheon dining room to help serve? Would he be going about his business out in the main part of the house, preparing for the luncheon? Maybe she would be able to snag him away for a few minutes.

"Um, Sybil," Mandy said, and Sybil and Mrs. Crawley stopped their conversation.

"Yes, Mandy?"

"I'm going to use the washroom really quick before luncheon starts. I will be right back."

"Oh, alright."

Mandy left the room and made it to the main entryway. She walked around the sitting area a bit, the area where she first met Lord Grantham, and couldn't spot any movement. She made her way to where the breakfast and luncheon dining room was, in hopes to find Thomas, but as she passed the library, she heard voices from inside. Desperate to know if any of them were Thomas's, she leaned near the door to listen.

"Matthew, you did what?"

"Yes, I proposed to her, Mary, but she said no."

Neither of those voices were Thomas's. Mandy leaned back and started at the hard wood door. "No, Mandy, don't listen. Nothing good ever happens when you eavesdrop."

"No?" came Mary's voice. Mandy's hand's balled into fists, trying to make herself leave and not listen in... but it was futile. They talked about her. She leaned in against the door, her ear by the door frame where the door would be opened. Her hand took the doorknob absentmindedly.

"Yes, she said no," said Matthew. "She has someone else that I wasn't aware of until that disastrous dinner."

"Someone else? Who?"

"That doesn't matter. All that matters now is that Mandy is out of the picture here, at least with me. The only relationship I can have with her at best is just friends."

There was silence for a moment, then Mary said in what sounded like a weary voice, "Oh, Matthew, if you would have caught on before that she had someone else, a lot of this chaos wouldn't have ensued. You would have not bought her that hairpin if you knew she had another man."

"Mary, you can't place the blame of all of this on me. Was it not you who blamed her for stealing a hairpin that was nonexistent? You had her sacked when she did nothing wrong."

Mandy really wanted to see their facial expressions, but their tone of voice was evidence enough of how they felt. Mary said quite emotionally, "Do you know why I did that, Matthew? Do you know why I wanted that girl out of the house and away from everyone? Away from you?"

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