The kind and innocent gesture almost made her tear up as the young boy brightly smiled.

"Keep the handkerchief, you'll need it." Akio ran over to his mother, exchanging a few words with her before she nodded and the two of them continued on their way.

'There's no way he's a normal seven-year-old' Y/N thought to herself, 'He knew way too much'

The door to the surgery room suddenly opened and Y/N quickly stood up. A doctor stepped out, a clipboard in his hands. He glanced at Y/N, nodding.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a zombie, Miss." The man clad in a white coat uttered. "You better watch out for that one, he might bite you. Anyway, he's alive and it's predicted that he'll wake up in a few weeks. Don't worry, he's stable. He's not going anywhere."

"Miss! I'm back! I brought Doctor Asahi with me! Please, Miss, allow us to treat you!" The nurse returned with Hiro following behind. He stared at Y/N, blinking in shock.

"Y/N?! What happened?!" He exclaimed, "Aish, never mind that! Let's get you treated before that cut becomes infected! Come on!"

Hiro led Y/N into a nearby room. He clicked his tongue as he observed the cut that ran from the corner of her mouth to her jaw.

"There's no easy way to say this, sweetheart." Muttered Hiro, "You're gonna need stitches."

Y/N gulped, fear starting to trickle in. She wanted to object but, due to the pain, she couldn't speak.

"Hold still, sweetheart. Don't panic, it'll be okay. This will all be over soon."


Y/N sat in the lobby of the hospital, one leg crossed over the other. She had a face mask covering her lower face, hiding the cut that was bound to leave a scar.

She was patiently waiting for Hiro is finish his shift and, in the meantime, was reading a random book she found lying around.

"Y/N?" Her name was suddenly called out. She lifted her head, staring at Mikey. She couldn't run this time, there was nowhere else to go. "What do you doing here?"

Silently, Y/N pulled down her mask. Mikey gazed at her in shock, mouth agape.

"Who... did that to you?" He whispered. Y/N shrugged, signaling that she didn't know.

"I heard there was a small fight with one person critically injured and the other majorly injured but... I didn't know it included you..." Carefully, he brushed a strand of her H/C-colored hair aside, staring at her bloody face. "This must've hurt... so bad."

Y/N glanced at Baji, wondering why Mikey couldn't see him too. Was it because she had just been on the brink of death? Or, was she finally losing her marbles? It was most likely the latter.

"I'm guessing Hanma was also involved?" Mikey questioned. Y/N nodded, silently saying 'yes'. "At least you're not avoiding me." He muttered, "That's a relief." She looked down, feeling slightly ashamed and embarrassed.

"Hey, Mikey, hurry up will ya? We don't got all da- Oh, Y/N. Hey. What happened to your face? You look fucking badass." Draken grinned as he neared the pair. "Damn, looks bad though. Cool, but bad."

Y/N rolled her eyes and arched an eyebrow, showing that she wasn't very amused by the tall blonde's words. He chuckled, lifting his hands in surrender.

"Right, sorry." He uttered.

It felt weird for the iconic trio to be back together again but Y/N would be lying if she said she didn't miss them. Hanma and Kisaki could only do so much to keep her company.

"Y/N, let's go." Hiro strode down the hallway, a black briefcase in his left hand, "I got you some medicine to help with the pain." She stood up, dusting off her pants. Baji also hopped up, walking straight through Draken. So he was a ghost after all. How strange.

As Hiro and Y/N exited the hospital, Baji followed. The black-haired boy stuck close to Y/N's side, translucent fingers brushing against her arm.

'I've think I've finally lost it' She thought to herself, 'Keisuke's dead, Shuji just came out of surgery, and I have stitches. What's next? Takemichi losing his girlfriend?'

"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Hiro asked as they climbed into the car, "I know you can't talk well so just nod or shake your head."

Y/N did as he said, nodding her head. She had taken a few pills beforehand so, as time passed, the pain began to subside. Right now, it was tolerable.

"After you can speak, tell me what happened, k? Or, whenever you're ready to talk. I won't force you. Just whenever you're comfortable." Hiro turned around in the driver's seat, sending her a grin. Y/N showed him a thumbs up. "It's getting late. We better head back before the others get worried. Man, what am I gonna tell Yuji?" Hiro ran a hand through his black hair, sighing. He switched the car on and backed out of the hospital parking lot.

Y/N stared out the window, watching as neon signs and flashing billboards flashed past the vehicle. The city was, no doubt, beautiful at night.

As the car changed courses, the scenery switched. It was still a lovely sight but, this time, it was softer on the eyes. Small blades of grass swayed around in the gentle breeze and flowers rocked back and forth.

"We're here." Hiro lightly announced. Y/N unbuckled her seatbelt, hopping out of the car. All the lights inside the house were turned off, most likely because everybody else was asleep.

Y/N grabbed her house keys, quickly unlocking the door. She pushed it open but the wood unexpectedly hit something. Slowly looking down, Y/N trembled. No words slipped past her lips due to the fact that she couldn't speak but Hiro still knew something was wrong with the way the H/C-haired girl refused to move.

"Y/N, what's w"- He froze, eyes growing wide. "Nira." He mumbled.

The ravenette was lying on the floor, motionless. Her skin looked sickly pale and she wasn't breathing.

Y/N backed away, growing uneasy. First Baji, now Nira. Who else would die before she could finally find her happy ending?

"Fuck..." Hiro muttered a curse word under his breath. He checked her pulse before clenching his jaw in anger. "Whoever did this is gonna pay. Y/N, get inside, quickly. The culprit might still be around."

Y/N hurried into the mansion, locking the door behind her.

'Why was it Nira... instead of me?'

A/N : (tw) y'all, whenever I feel sad, I remember I got 6 teeth pulled out (not counting the other times. This was all at once), 6 stitches in my mouth, and I survived off fruit juice for a few months. It makes me feel like a badass 😎. Yeah, that math test for nothing on me.

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