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I sit outside JJ's house in my truck with a thick layer of gauze around my shoulder and part-way down my arm to secure it. I'm always given careful instructions not to go to his door, just incase his father is around. But his truck isn't here so I'm assuming he isn't here. J walks out the door with a smile on his face, wearing an unbuttoned black collared shirt with his sunglasses hanging off. I stick my hand up through the roof and give him a wave, which he returns. "Morning Jack." The boy says, hopping into the truck toying with the beaded necklace hanging off my mirror. "Hey Maybank." JJ turns on some music, "Driving to Hawaii" by Summer Salt plays through the speakers as we make our way over to JB's house.

JJ bangs on John B's door, right next to the DCS Summons Notice. "DCS! I know you're in there!" He yells. I shoot him a look as he hops right in front of the window and I can hear a frightened yell from inside. I laugh at JJ and walk through the door, pushing JB over to make some room on the pullout. "So, what exactly are we doing today?" I ask. John takes the compass from out of him pocket. Tossing it to me. "Paying Lana Grubb a visit."

We're all in the Twinkie. JB driving, JJ next to him and I've been banished to the middle back. "See I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara. She clearly likes you." JJ says to John. "She's like. Oh John B!" "Is that what she does?" "She sketched out about you diving and then she kissed you bro!" JJ points out. I hum in agreement. "She kissed me on the cheek. It's not like we're making out or anything!"

"It's basically the same thing." I say, leaning in between the two boys. "Someone kisses you on the cheek they probably like you."

JJ looks at John B before pointing at him and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I can feel my face heating up while John B shoots back with a sincere "I hate you two." "And we hate you back."

The blonde grabs the compass that's sitting on the dash and JB tries to snatch it from his hands, surprisingly not swerving and sending me to the other side of the van. "I was just looking at it!" J says, tugging the object out of his reach. I rest my head on JJ's shoulder, looking at the compass while grabbing his free hand and playing with the thick rings on his fingers.

"I've gotta admit." He says. "Your father's compass in Scooter's boat, that's freaky." "Very." I say, still keeping busy with J's rings. I take my favourite one off and twirl it around in my hands, sliding it onto my thumb before giving it back. It was still a bit big.

"Yeah and that's why we're going to talk to Ms. Lana, figure this whole thing out." JB replies from the drivers seat. "I'm sure she would love to talk to us. It's not like her husband just drowned or anything." JJ says, handing me the compass to look at.

We pull into the clearing at Ms. Lana's. I've always loved visiting her, the house was adorable, pink with blue trimming, paintings of flowers and bumblebees littering the wood exterior, a few done by me. The inside was even better. Small Knick-knacks showering the place. It was the best kind of clutter. We hop out of the van and start making our way to her house until we hear glass breaking and things flying everywhere. My immediate instinct is to grab JJs hand from beside me. He gives it a reassuring squeeze and tells JB that we should probably go home.

Lana starts to scream and JJ pushes me behind him, turning around and putting a finger on my lips. "Jackie, wait in the van." I give him a look. "No way. I wanna come in." "I can't have you getting hurt even more." J says looking me in the eye. "I'll be safe I swear. I'll be next to you the whole time." I say. He looks at me once more, seeing that I'm serious and takes my hand, running over next to John B who's crouching under the open kitchen window, paint flying off of the house into our hair.

JJ puts a protective arm in front of me while my back is pressed up on the wall. I take his hand, intertwining our fingers and follow John B to the edge of the house, as he looks around the corner, pushing us back as he sees the smugglers. As JJ would call them.

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