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I woke up to the sound of the seagulls outside and JJ's arm wrapped around my waist, his head buried into the crook of my neck. I could smell his cologne rubbing off onto my skin as I was playing with his soft hair. I need to know what conditioner this man uses.

John B walks out from the hallway rubbing his eyes, looking over at JJ and I. "Hey Jack, sleep well?" He says, side-eyeing us.

I flip him off and he gives me a smile, blowing me a kiss. I pretend to catch it and put it in my pocket and return the action.

"Seen the damage yet?" He asks. "No. This fucker won't let me get up." JJ groans at my side and I can hear him mumbling something that sounds like 'Shut up.' I swing my legs over the side of the pull-out. The air smells like summer, fresh mown grass and salt water. I give JJ a little slap on the back "C'mon J, lets go outside." I say hoping he'll listen to me, if not JB.

"I have Polio Jack, I can't walk." He says digging his head into the pillow. John B walks outside and I start to tug on JJ's arm.

"You can go back to sleep after." I say tossing a beer at him. "Come on."

We walk outside following shortly after John B. I take JJ's beer from his hand and take a sip, handing it back to him before he can say anything.

"Holy shit." I say, looking over at the uprooted tree. "Agatha did some work huh?" JJ  mentions from behind me.

J burps as he downs his beer and I look over at him shaking my head. "Fucking gross JJ." He shoots me a wink and I turn around, going to help JB take out all the branches from the boat.

J walks over "What you thinkin'" he says , watching John B and I clean up.

"I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze." He replies. "And all those drum are gonna chase the crabs." I finish for him.

"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asks as I hop out of the boat standing next to him. I lean my head on his bare shoulder and he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Nah." JB says "They're not getting on a ferry today. Look at this, it's God telling us to fish."

A smile breaks out on my face as I run inside the Chateau to grab my bathing suit.

The sun shines down on us as JJ helps me onto the boat, grabbing my waist and hoisting me up. It's my favourite kind of weather, a warm breeze with cold water, a perfect boat day.

John B is driving while JJ and I stand up in front of him.

"Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink." I frown. "He doesn't have insurance." Says JJ.

John B waves at Amy as we drive by "Hey Miss Amy, you guys get through it?"

I try to contain my laugh as she looks JJ up and down slowly while replying "Still here."

"She totally looked at you." I say to JJ "Oh totally." "I saw it"

JJ whistles slowly "Agatha what'd you do" "She's a total psychopath." I say. "One crazy lady that's for sure." I hear JB add. "We're gonna be cleaning this all summer." I mention. "That is my nightmare."

"Well look who we have here." John B says as we pull up to Heyward's. JJ and I let out a yell as we pull up to the dock. "We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory." The boy driving the boat announces, mimicking a walkie talkie.

Pope frowns, "I can't man, Pops got me on lockdown."

I chuckle when I read the sign  propped up on the wood railing that read "Bring it on Aggie you bitch."

𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 // 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now