"hey." she smiled at me, with her lipgloss in her hand.

"oh please let me borrow some." i whispered, as i applied some, before looking back at her. "am i good?" i questioned making sure it looked okay.

"perfect." she replied with a sparkling smile.

"and what is a common misconception in romeo and juliet?" mrs bromley asked us, as i quickly raised my hand.

"well, in the famous quote 'oh romeo, romeo, wherefore art thou romeo', juliet isn't actually asking where he is," i explained. "she's asking why he's a montague." i told the class.

"very good." mrs bromley nodded, before the bell rang and she dismissed us.

i stood up grabbing my bag and putting my books back inside. "i'll see you at the end of the day miss collins." mrs bromley dictated, as i rolled my eyes walking out of the door.

i saw jess stood right in front of me, as i walked out of class. i gently tapped his shoulder to get his attention. i watched him slowly turn around to face me. "yeah?" he questioned with a blank face.

"finally." i sighed out of relief. "look, i'm sorry if i did something the other day, but i really didn't mean to-" i frantically told him, before getting cut off by him.

"you haven't." he stated. "but, i've gotta go, so bye." he bluntly finished, before walking off again.

i scoffed, as i stood there like an idiot. i wish i could just go back to that afternoon and stopped it all from happening

since it was lunch time and i was just stood looking like a fool. i decided to actually move and l walk to the cafeteria to get some food.

i waited in the lunch line only to realise how disgusting the food looked.

"erm, i'll just have...that." i smiled pointing at some weird mushed up thing.

the dinner lady looked at me like she wanted to kill me right there and then, whilst she messily put the odd looking food onto my plate. "thanks." i smiled.

i began walking not looking where i was going, since i was more focused on looking for cassidy or finding an empty table. this was all before i felt myself bump into someone. "i'm so sorry." i quickly apologised, as he knelt down to pick up his tray of food.

"it's okay." he shrugged. "wasn't gonna eat it anyways." he chuckled, causing me to do the same. "i'm sam, by the way." he smiled.

"sabrina." i smiled back.

sam was pretty tall with blonde hair styled with hair product. he had a sweet smile and soft eyes that seemed so trustworthy.

"look i don't know if you have anyone to eat with, but would you want to sit with me?" he asked me, as i looked down at his food on the floor and then back up at him.

"i mean i don't know what you're going to eat," i stated awkwardly. "but sure." i smiled, before we walked to find a table.


"so yeah," i nodded, as i bit into my apple. "we moved from new york, to stars hollow and it's nice." i shrugged.

"that nice doesn't seem so legit." he replied with a soft laugh.

"no, it's not that i don't like it here," i said moving my hair behind my ears. "it's just different." i told him.

i played with my ring on my finger for a few moments, before stopping to look up at him.

love letters- jess mariano Where stories live. Discover now