Chapter 13 - Matthew in a Toy Shop?

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me, sir, but that is not the way to speak to a lady."

Mandy gasped in shock when she recognized that firm voice and whirled around to find Matthew standing there, his blue eyes set on the angry man. "Matthew? What...?"

"This isn't any of your business," Mr. McHarper shot at him.

"My mother is on the medical board for the hospital, and I can assure you that this plan that Miss DeMont is speaking of here is the best option for you. Now, we will leave this notice and form with you so you can think about it." He picked up the folder off the floor, then handed it to Mr. McHarper. "Now, will you please apologize to Miss DeMont for speaking in such a manner, when she was simply doing her job?"

Mr. McHarper's nose twitched. "Fine. My apologies, miss. Now, will the two of you kindly leave so I can run my business and make the money needed to pay this blasted medical bill?"

"Of course," Matthew said, and Mandy stared at him with wide, unbelieving eyes. He gestured her to the door, and they both stood out on the dirt street in the heat. He gave her a charming smile. "Long time no see, Mandy. It's been a week, has it?"

Mandy stared at his blue eyes for a moment and realized that the last time she saw him was when he stopped by his house and she was talking with his mother, creating a plan to boot her out when she barely moved in. Her cheeks heated up and not from the heat of the air. This wasn't good, being with him, especially looking as handsome as he was in his gray suit. She should leave. "It has, and... thank you for helping me out in here. Even though I was handling it."

"I don't think a man yelling at you is handling it."

"I was fine. I've dealt with angry people before at my last accounting job, and that man was friendly compared to them."

They both noticed Mr. McHarper standing in the window, glaring at them. They both walked on down the street, and Mandy decided to walk on with him. Matthew said after a couple of silent, awkward seconds, "So... my mother told me about the home visits that the hospital is making to tell people they need to pay their bills. I heard that was your idea."

"It was. I figured being more personal about it would be a good idea, but I was wrong. Maybe I'll tell Dr. Clarkson that it would be easier for everyone to just mail the notices." They passed a few shops and people walking down the road. She noticed Matthew staring at her. She looked over and met his gaze, a question pushing at her lips. "Matthew... how come you were in the toy shop? I mean, was it just coincidence that you happened to be buying a toy for someone, or...?"

He pursed his lips together as they walked, and she tried to read his expression. It looked guilty. "Well..." he started, and they neared a tall leafy tree that had a wooden bench sitting under it in the shade. He stopped at the bench, as did she. "Alright. I saw you walking in that direction as I was leaving work, and I was curious as to what you were up to. I noticed the envelope in your hand, so I figured you were on hospital business."

Her pulse rose at the thought of Matthew following her around the village. "You... followed me?"

"Yes. And I realized now that it was a foolish thing to do, considering what has happened in the past few weeks." He cleared his throat, and said, changing the subject, "So, are you liking your new accounting job?"

"Yeah, I like it. It keeps me on my toes just as much as Downton, only I'm sitting in a desk chair constantly going through files and adding costs of things for the hospital. It's invigorating."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it." He gestured to the bench and they both sat down. Mandy kept her gaze away from him, not wanting to fall harder for him every time she looked at him. She didn't need that, especially with Thomas still waiting for an answer. Oh, how she wanted to go see him and her friends at Downton! She never had time in the past week due to her work schedule.

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