Fawad Ali (Part Two)

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Story #1


Hania had no idea what was about to happen with her.

For her, she might as well have been getting ready for a normal day out with he family. Mina dressed her up in a pink frock with white stars over it and a white bow over the midriff, along with knee-high white socks and smart white shoes. The only thing unusual would have been the new purple backpack that Mina had packed for her. The only time Hania would take a backpack was when we were flying somewhere.

So, I strapped the three-and-a-half-years old Hania into her car seat first, followed by the year old Iman in her own car seat, before getting into the driving seat beside Mina. Pulling on my sunglasses, I turned the ignition on and reversed out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?" Hania asked, curiously.

"Somewhere where you'll meet new friends and learn new things." I replied. 

Mina was too quiet, and even though she wore sunglasses as well, I knew that she was crying. Her red nose and sniffing gave it away. And it was natural for her to do so. She and Hania were extremely attached to each other, and I knew that it was going to be very difficult for my wife to be away from our elder daughter for so long.

"Are we all going there? Will Mani be there as well?" Hania asked.

I looked at Mina, who tried to discreetly wipe away the tear that had been rolling down her cheek. I had no idea how to reply to that. I didn't want to worry Hania already.

The school wasn't too far away from our home, barely a five minutes' drive, but it might as well have been five hours away, for Jasmina. I parked in the car parking and got out before helping Hania out. Meanwhile, Mina lifted Iman up from her car seat, holding her up on her hip. 

For now, Hania seemed happy. She was skipping down the path, holding my hand, as we walked to the one-storey red-bricked building. 

A teacher stood at the door and smiled warmly at Hania. "Hi, there!"

Hania looked startled to be addressed by a stranger, and immediately wrapped her arms around my leg, shyly.

"My name is Miss Grant. What is your name, sweetheart?" The teacher bent down to talk to Hania, who hid behind my legs.

"Tell her your name, meri jaan." I told Hania, gently.

"Hania." My elder daughter practically whispered.

"Hi there, Hania!" The teacher glanced down at the clipboard she was holding. "Hania Fawad?" She looked up at me and Mina. 

I nodded.

"Come on, Hania. Let's go and meet your classmates." Miss Grant said, holding out her hand for Hania.

Now Hania panicked. She looked up at Mina. "Mama?" 

I crouched down and pulled my firstborn daughter gently to stand in front of me, facing me. "It's only for a few hours, meri jaan. Mama and Papa will be back soon." 

Hania's lower lip began to tremble and her eyes filled up.

I kissed her forehead and pulled her into a hug. "You'll have a good time, Hani. Go and have a look, okay?" I took her hand and placed it in Miss Grant's outstretched one, before backing away.

"Papa!" Terrified, Hania tried to reach out for me.

But this day was inevitable. She had to go to school.

For Our Love Series Fanfiction जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें