Journey Of My Love

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Thank you so much, Abut! I absolutely loved it! ❤


This aesthetic is also by her

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This aesthetic is also by her. ❤❤❤


When I was a kid I always dreamt of a prince charm who would save me from danger, protect me from the cruel world and fulfil all my wishes. Isn't it every girl's wish? To have a prince charm. Little did I know that I found him the very moment I was born.

It was one late afternoon and a small 8-year-old girl tried to climb the tree which was situated near her brother's best friend's house, she was successful in climbing and was happily jumping in victory until her leg slipped. She fell off the tree but instead of touching the ground and hurting herself she fell in his arms and both together fell to the ground, with him on the ground and her on his stomach.

"Just a little," 8 years old Jasmina said, encouraging herself while climbing the tree near her house. She saw Ahad trying and seeing her brother doing she plan to do the same. " Aaah! " As soon she reached she happily exclaimed but soon her foot slipped and she tripped.

"Allah!" She closed her eyes and pressed her lips tightly.

"Are you mad?" 14 year old Fawad angrily exclaimed. She open her eyes slowly and seeing she didn't fall, a big smile propelled on her face but realizing she was sitting on Fawad, who had an irritated look on his face, she burst out laughing.

"Thanks" She said while controlling her laughter and stood up.

"You're welcome" He said and groaning he got up from the ground.

"Hey!" Arhaan yelled coming toward them.

"Don't tell bhai, please" Jasmina pleaded with pout and he, shaking his head irritated, agreed.

That day was the moment when the little 8 year old girl Jasmina Sheikh started seeing him, Fawad Ali Mansoor more than his brother's best friend but was clueless. That was the start of the Journey of her love for Prince Charm, Fawad, unknowingly.


'We are close yet so far'

This quote was perfect to describe their situation. They used to stay over at each other's house often and occasionally gathered for small get-together, but she was with his best friend's sister and he was her brother's best friend.

Those distances just intensified her feeling unknowingly for him and despite all the pranks he pulled along with her brother Arhaan on the spoiled and pampered princess Jasmina, she didn't stay upset with him for long or disliked him but deeply enjoyed it.

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