'We came looking for Star and Fal, but we couldn't find them this morning, and Mama wants us to give them a special letter and since you are the Famiglia's advisor we came to you' I say. Dante nods slowly.

'......I have no idea where they went, Madam did say they was going with Luca somewhere but that was about it' He says, then out of the blue he chuckles. I raise an eyebrow. 'Why are you looking for them? One of you going to propose to them' He asks. My cheeks heat up.

Libertá's all flustered too. 'W-what of c-course not!' He says with burning red cheeks.

'Not yet anyway' I mumble. They both look at me. I shrug. 'I'm being honest' I say before giving a bow to what seemed to be an absolute furious Dante.

'Thank you Dante!' Libertá shouts out after we walk out. I just hear a grumble of annoyance from Dante's office. I smile. That was easier than expected. 'Who do we go to next?' Libertá asks as I recover from my previous thought.

'Mrs Harrison' I was all I said with my cold expression.

Libertá just nods and follows to the kitchen. For once Libertá shuts up!. I was finally able to process everything that is happening.

Stellae and Falicitá are missing with Luca. Dante has no idea where they went, neither do Donatella, Isabella or Marielle. Mama wants this note delivered to Stellae in person. Where is this going? Please be okay Star and Fal! I'll break your neck Luca.

'Is there something I can help you boys with?' A brunette asks. When I look up from my shoes I realised I was standing in the kitchen with Libertá hidden behind the kitchen door. I roll my eyes. 'Well?' Mrs Harrison asks as she needs raw bread. I gulp.

'Yes we were wondering where Star and Fal were, do you know?' I ask.

'Apparently they went somewhere with Luca this morning do you know where?' Libertá asks finally coming out from behind the kitchen door.

'I haven't heard anything' replies Mrs Harrison. 'What did you need with Stellae and Milday?' Mrs Harrison asks as she turns back to needing the dough. I pull an envelope out of my inside, blue, velvet, jacket pocket.

'Mama wanted us to deliver this too Star in person' I reply.

'The both of you?' Mrs Harrison laughs. I grit my teeth.

'Ya like I would be stuck with this chickpea if that was the case' Libertá says.

I grab his ear roughly. 'Hey! Don't call me a chickpea' I say.

'You guys get along so well' Mrs Harrison says sarcasm dripping with every word. I let go of Libertá's ear.

'No we don't!' Libertá and I shout in union. I glare over at him.

She ignores our shouts. 'Oh by the way when you see Luca will you ask him to pick up more caraway, the whole stock seems to have just disappeared' she gestures over to the pantry that had a hole down in the corner of it as if something was there but then taken.

'Caraway, like the herb?' I ask.

Mrs Harrison just nods. 'Yes, all of it is gone, it was like someone is trying to make a love potion' she says with a laugh. My eyes widen a bit.

'Let's go' I say sternly still thinking about Mrs Harrisons words.

'Oh! Right!' Libertá says a bit confused.

We ended up searching the whole house with no luck, I decided we should head into town to see if they went there. Libertá reluctantly agreed. We walked through the busy streets. People crowding around the stalls. Libertá and I looking from the top to the bottom of the Town.

Two Katanas [1] (Arcana Famiglia Story)Where stories live. Discover now