Home safe and sound

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Stellae's POV*

50 days till the Arcana Duwelo.

We all sat around the alter. Talking quietly like we would wake someone. We all just woke up. We had to spend the night in the church because the storm wouldn't calm down at all. We all slept at the end of the church huddled together like penguins. I remember waking up being beet red from Nova and Libertá's arm wrapped around me.

I look out the church window to see it calm out. The storm has finally calmed down a bit. I stand from my seat. Nova was next to stand up, looking at me curiously. I walk away from the alter to the church doors. I open just one of the dark oak doors. I peer out to see the sun peaking through the gray clouds. I grin. I turn around to the others.

'The storm has stopped, we can go home! Come on!' My voice echos out into the church. Before anyone of them could reply I run out into the now blazing sun of Regalo Island that I have become so fond of. I stretched my arms out trying to get all the sunshine. Footsteps came closer to me. I look over my shoulder to see Nova, Libertá and Falicitá looking up at the blazing sun. I chuckle.

'Race you there!' Libertá shouts and zooms past me. I run right after him. Before Libertá and I knew it we were running through Regalo like little children laughing out heads off, people gave us some smiles and some funny looks, next thing we know is that we are at the mansion with Nova and Falicitá by our sides. Libertá and I were still giggling like two year old but one stern look from Nova shut us up.

We walk into the house to be greeted by Luca's bear hug. I chuckle and hug back.

'You worried us so much!' Luca says almost in tears.

'We don't have a scratch on us Luca calm down!' Falicitá says rolling her eyes and shoving Luca away. Luca looked hurt by the action but backed off. I was then wrapped in Pace's tight embrace. He was basically suffocating me.

'I-im f-fine P-p-pace!' I say trying to catch my breath but can't. Nova widens his eyes.

'Pace let her go! She can't breath!' Nova shouts. Pace immediately drops me to the floor. I gasp for air and cough up my guts at the same time. I put my two hands to my throat. Nova gives me an arm to help me up from the ground.

'I'm so sorry Princess!' Pace shrieks as he keeps on apologises. I smile at him.

'Its fine Pace no harm done' He let's out a breath. I look at Nova who was already staring at me. He had a look of worry in his stern eyes.

'You okay?' He asks quietly.

I nod. 'I am thank you Nova' I whisper back to him. He gives me one of his iconic smirks. Nova let's go of my arm. It felt weird when I was out of his touch.

I felt a pat on my head. 'Good to see you well Madam' Dante says. I smile.

'Well I had these guys with me they took care of me' I say pointing to Libertá, Nova and Falicitá.

'That's good to hear' He replies. Next think I know is I feel a kiss applied to my knuckles. I look down to my hand to see Dabito with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I roll my eyes at his flirting antics.

'I was worried Cariño~' he says still holding my hand.

'Well I'm safe and sound' I say but before he could reply I heard a all too familiar booming voice.

'And that was all we hoped for!' Papa shouts out. I grin up at him at the top of the staircase upstairs. I remove my hand from Dabito's and run up and engulf Papa in a hug. He chuckles. 'Its great to see you well my Star' He says. He pulls away from me to give Falicitá a hug. She reluctantly hugs back. I see Mama by Papa's side. I walk over to her and give her a hug as well. She gave me a tight hug.

'I'm so happy to see you alright Stellae, we were all so worried' she says pulling away from me but held my hands tightly. I give her a soft smile.

'I'm fine Mama, I had Libertá, Nova and Falicitá with me and they had me, we are completely fine' I respond. She moves her gaze from me to the boys at the end of the staircase.

'We owe you for taking care of our daughters Nova and Libertá, thank you' she gives them a curtsy and in return they give her a bow. I give them a curtsy too, Falicitá stays still by Papa's side.

'My children are home safe and sound! Hallelujah!' Papa roars. I laugh as the other men cheer. I look around adoringly looking at my family. I beam at them all. A pair of angry eyes were boring into the side of my skull. I move my eyes from the cheering men to my sister flaming eyes, my smile is replaced by a frown. She stares straight into my eyes and I do the exact same.







912 words.

I really hope you all enjoyed!

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