「7」unwanted memories

Start from the beginning

there was something missing, i feel like she didn't tell me the whole story, why would she just hand adriana to miranda? just out of whim? i had to finally tell noah, and rome.

then... adriana, i don't think I can tell her yet.

"we're back!!" noah makes his announcement, which i roll my eyes, then adriana comes running up to me, and just out of habit i swing her around before giving her a kiss to the forehead, "glad you made back safely, did she enjoy it?" i ask, "yeah she did" noah says.

later that evening, i explained everything to noah, and he was actually thrilled, surprisingly happy to be a uncle, which made the process of explaining things to him much easier, all he cared about was that he was an uncle.

"Noah. You aren't going to ask how she is my daughter?" i say,

"Well you fucked around and bam she came along." he simply says, his choice of vocabulary could've been better but he wasn't wrong.

"but don't tell adriana"

"why not?"

"because she wouldn't understand"

"I'm sure she would"


so I ended up winning the argument.

adriana's pov:

lately my brothers been acting weird, i turned 9 years old already, i finally met my last brother rome, and alessandro keeps saying to stay away but rome really was nice, i didn't see any issues with hanging out with him. noah always plays with me, and takes me places, alessndro isn't as fun since he wants me to take baths, then get ready for bed.  Just boring stuff.

while at school i start to notice my friends with their parents, i wanted to have parents, and so i was jealous of them.
i love m'y brothers but it wasn't the same as having parents. isn't it odd that i look nothing like noah or rome, but alessandro looks like me!

"bubba" i start to say, "hm?" he responds not looking up from whatever he does, "where are my parents?" i ask, "well. i dont know" alessandro responds, which makes me frown.

later after dinner, alessy takes me to my bedroom and gives me a goodnight kiss before shutting the lights off, "bubba" i say before he left the room, "what is it baby?" he responds, "could you stay till i fall asleep?" i ask, and alessy gives me a warm smile and nods, so he made his way back to my bed, he sat at the edge of the bed as i lay gazing up at him.

really looking, alessy looks young, "bubba do you have someone you like?" i ask, and i could see alessy's eyes change to a dull shade of colour, he sighs, before responding, "i did have someone, but not anymore"

"im sorry" i say, but alessy quickly removed the sadness to his eyes, "it's alright, i have you now." he says which he gives me a kiss to the forehead, i smiled happy, "bubba i love you" i say, and soon i was fast asleep.

alessandro's pov:

it's expected of a child to ask a innocent question, but i didn't think it would hurt. two people always end up falling in love, but of course they can fall out of love, with one still in love and the other moving on. that's what i was suffering from, i will always love blair, even if i don't show it, i wish i could have her in my arms,

we both sat at the trunk of the car as we looked ahead at the sunset, then i shifted my body towards hers, "blair i love you" i say, and she says the same thing back to me as we both went in for a passionate kiss. soon one thing led to another, we kept in touched even after i dropped out of high school, and today was our 4th anniversary of being a couple. We lay under the stars and she starts to point to the stars, "do you think we'll have a boy or a girl?" she asks as she turns to face me, "if we have a child together, i just want a healthy baby disregarding the gender" i respond staring into her hazel eyes, as she stares into my charcoal brown eyes, "i want a baby girl.. and maybe name her adriana" she says, "why is that?"
"because, adriana means the dark one." she responds which i look at her perplexed, "i don't understand" i say, "because, she'll be strong, and wise when she's older." so we made passionate love to each other under the stars.

the flashback felt vivid, it was such a distant memory, reality starts to set in and i find myself sitting on the edge of the bed, and turning my attention back to my daughter.

so i responded to the question, and realised that, adriana has parts of blair that is within her, which made the pain all worth it. i didn't expect to become a father this way.

we had decided to go on a late night drive, and i had kept my eyes on the road, and at the red light i placed my hand on blair's turning my head to look at her, but she kept staring at her phone and disregarded my gesture, so i took my hand off and she didn't say anything. as the drive went on, she turned the music up more, and the drive was stuffy. "love, what's the matter?" i start to ask as i turned the radio off, "what was the for?" blair asks looking up from her phone, "i had asked you a question." i said, "nothing's wrong." blair says a bit short, "now put the music back on." she continues, which i sigh and turn the music back on, the song 'changes' by xxxtentacion came on, which was exactly what was happening to blair. something changed her, i could tell by reading her eyes that she fell out of love with me.

reoccurring memories keeps on resurfacing, ever since i met with my ex today, the memories just come and go, it was getting more and more painful throughout the night. There was always this question that remained in my mind, 'where did i fuck up?' i always tried my best to be the best boyfriend, but even my efforts were wasted, she had been seeing someone else whilst she was in the process of breaking things off with me.

the night that she broke up with me, was the worse pain i ever went through. i never felt so miserable, she had to let me down slowly.

i had been preparing a dinner date for Valentine's Day, i had bought her roses, and reserved a table for two, it was the cost of my entire salary but i didn't care as long as she was happy. upon approaching her house, she had been dressed up, and she looked so beautiful, "wow. you look stunning" i breathed out as she was wearing a red laced up dress, "thank you" she says, and i held her hand as i guide her to the car. when we arrived at the restaurant, she was sort of distracted, but she looked solemn, well i was looking through the menu she lets out a sigh.

"what's wrong?" i ask, "listen.. we need to talk." she starts to say, and this sends a lot of worry to me, 'did I leave the toilet seat up?' i was trying to think of anything that would help me, "yeah, sure" I say trying to sound composed, "i hate to do it on this day, especially on Valentine's Day." She continues, "babe what is it?"

"..." she keeps quiet and continued to stare at me with nervousness to her eyes, "i think.. it's best if we break up" she finishes, i looked at her with my eyes constricted, "pardon..?" i ask not fully understanding, "didn't you hear me? i want to break up." she says gathering up her confidence, "...why? have i done something wrong?"

"no, you haven't.. i just, i don't love you anymore, and there's another guy i love." she says.

it was like a pin dropping to the ground, my entire world was shattering. i was in disbelief, i put all the energy into making sure this would be a successful night and to find out she wants to end things with me..

"alright. but please have the decency to finish the night out with me." i say keeping my voice even, though i feel i could break any second.

i had awaken with sweats running down my face as i shot up from my bed to the bathroom, i looked into the mirror as i splashed cold water onto me, "it's just a bad dream." i tell myself, but before i knew it, i broke down into tears, i never cried since that day, and yet i am crying again for the same reason. it was a mistake to meet with her, seeing her made me realise what we could've been, i wasn't sure what haunts me more, the person i had been, or the breakup with blair.

she really fucked me up.. i feel so pathetic right now, she was the one who told me that she was in love with me, and all the pain that she inflicted on me made me feel so small. i was such an idiot.. i recollected myself. by now it was 6 in the morning, i got ready for my morning run to clear my mind.




published: 10.17.21

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