Her Scarred Past

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Flashback/ story time

Warning ⚠️

We met when I just finished highschool. I was at a club celebrating my classes graduation. I was at the bar chatting with a few friends when I got a drink that I didn't order. The bartender told some guy at the end of the bar ordered it for me. I grabbed it the drink walked towards him. I put the drink Infront of him, "thanks but no thanks". 

He smiled "well Then how about dance". " I've been on my feet all day I'll pass" he stood up an grabbed my arm. " I said how about a dance" I throw a left hook. He let go of my armand falls to the ground.  He gets back up and raises he's fist. " You bitch"

I get prepared for he's hit but something stands infront of me. " Don't do it" " who the hell are you" " no one Important but take my advice go home" while those two talk I rub my hand (fuck that hurt what's that's assholes skull made out of metal) the other guy walks and away and the man Infront turns around. " You alright" he asked. He's voice was smooth like bourbon. He was just a little bit taller then me. He was very good looking.

" How's you're hand?" He asked he looked down noticedI was rubbing my hand. " Here let me take a look". He takes me hand in his. He touch was softed. He gentle rubbed his thumb over my knuckle. " Follow me" he said. We walked to the bartender and asked for a bag of ice.

He takes the bag of ice from the bartender and puts it on my hand. " Ow!" " Sorry" he looks up at me. I can't explain it but he's eyes they a beaut brown I could tell if I stared for to long I would get lost in them forever.

" There that should help with the swelling and soreness". " Thanks" I finally say. " And thanks for helping me with that guy I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him". He smiles. " No problem I feel bad for the stuff that girls have to deal with when guys can't take no for an answer".  I roll my eyes and smile. " Ya it gets old"

"Hey do want me to give you a ride home. You look like you want to go home".  I know I should say no but my friends dragged me along and they will probably end up in some guys bed, not to mention I do want to go home.

" That would be nice, yes please" I smile. " Let me grab my jacket and then we can leave".  He gets up and leaves.

Time skip

He pulls up my place. I turn my head to look at him. " Thanks for driving me home". "It was no problem,besides you looked like you wanted to ight to be over with." I smile " it wasn't so bad it's just I don't party much or go out often". He puts he's hand on my shoulder. " I get that, a few friends of mine kidnapped me and made me go out, and if you ever need someone to get you out of trouble here's me number" he hands me a piece of paper with he's number on it. " Thanks".

I turn and open my door  to leave " oh wait" I turn to see him leaving the car he walks around the front of the car and opens my door. He lends me my hand and I take it. I stand up out of the car. He closes the door and walks me to my door. I take my keys out of the bag but with my sore hand I dropped them. " Shit!" " Here let me help". He leans downs and picks up the keys and unlocked the door for me. He twisted the door handed and opens my door for me. " Thank you. I say. " Well I am a gentlemen but sadly this is where we part ways have a good night and take care I hope to see you again some time soon ...?" I chuckle out of embarrassment. " Oh it's y/n". He smiles " well have a good night y/n" " you to mister..." " It's jackson... Jackson Hilton". " Ahh right well I hope you have a good night also Mister Hilton" he chuckles. " Please it's just Jackson". " Oh I'm sorry it's-" he puts he's hand on my cheek. " It's fine but please It's just jackson people calling me by last name makes me feel old"

I laughed and I looked down ( of course noone likes being called by they're last name why do I do it.....I'm just afraid of offending the person god I'm stupid this i why I stay inside)

He gently grabes my chin and makes me look up. " Hey it's fine I think it's cute". And with that he kisses my cheek. When he pulls back we stare in to each other's eyes. I could feel myself getting pulled in deeper in to then. "HONK!!" A car horn get are attention causing us to break eye contact. Way a wave of realization comes over me. " Thanks for giving me a ride home but I should get going goodnight Jackson". I walked in to my place and close my door.

It's seemed like a great teenager love story I called he's number and we hung out more often. After 3 months we started dating every thing was perfect. I was finally experiencing what love is, but I guess I fell to hard for him cause my sweet teenage love ended faster then i though it.

Things went down hill after I moved in to he's place. Everything I came home from working a late shift he would argue with me thinking I was cheating in him. It didn't get any better when he started drinking also.
Things escalated pretty quickly it went from arguing an avoiding each other to getting back and getting things back on track.

After one big fight I ran away from him I was done. We didn't speak to each other for 2 months. Then one day he sent me a text saying he wanted to meet up at a coffee shop.

I agreed and we chatted about everything. He said he changed and has been sober for a while and he wants to get back with me. I told him I needed proof and that he needed to earn my trust again. So we started going on dates again.

Fora year everything was fine then he changed again. But instead dog arguing he would get mad at me for the littlest things and he would beat me for them. If I made dinner a different way then he liked I would get slapped for it. Everything had to be he's way. He was very controlling.

One night he even tried to kill me. We just got back from having dinner with he's friends and family. I got asked a lot of questions and apparently he didn't like the answers I was giving them.

When dinner was over. He couldn't wait to get out fo the restaurant. We argued all the way home. When we pulled up I rushed out fo the car and in to our place. I ran to our room and started packing my bags. I was done with this. Is this is love I don't want it. I don't need it. 

" What the hell are you doing'. I turn around. " IM LEAVING IM DINE WITH THIS.. I can't do this anymore the arguing and the fighting I am NOT YOUR PUNCHING BAG..I am your girlfriend! I'm your girlfriend not you bitch or slave your girlfriend! I'm done with you I don't deserve this I've done nothing to you to be deserve this.

" Your not leaving I need you". He grabes me arm. " No you need to grow up and except that not everything can be your's".  Next thing I know the side of my face stings with pain and I land on the floor. He punched me....HE PUNCHED ME!!!.  He walks away yelling with he's hands in his hair. While he's not looking I crawl towards the balcony door hoping to catch attention. 

I put my hand on the door nodd  I feel something grabe my ankle. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING. He lets go of my foot and graves me waist. "No plz let me go plz plz. I beg and plead for him to let me go. He graves em face. "So you wish to leave huh fine". He drops me on the floor. He walks to the the doors unlocks them and opens them. I realize what he's about to do I try to get away from him but he graves me ankle again. He drags me to the balcony. "No plz that's not what I meant..let me go!" I start screaming louder and louder. He picks me up bridal style and lifts me over the edge. We're 12 stories high. My eye widen as I look down. Without warning he drops me but I grab the railing before I fall.  Screaming to the stop of my lungs as he tries to loosen my grip on the balcony railing. 

I feel my fingers slipping my heart rate is thru the roof at this moment. I can't believe I'm gonna die. There's no way I can survive this, and much as I hate to say this I would rather die then be with him. He's made it clear I can't leave him alive.  So this is my one and only exit. I take a deep breath in as I close my eyes getting ready to let go and fall to my peaceful grave. But I feel hands grave my arms. I look up to see a security guard helping me and pulling me up to safety. When I'm back on the balcony I fall to the floor in tears the security guard sits next to me and hugs me while I cry in to he's shoulder.

I blink a few times to clear up my eye sight and I see him on the floor with 2 cops on top of him arresting him. He's looking at me with anger in he's eyes. I don't know what I did to deserve so much hate and torture from this man but If this is what love is like I definitely don't want it.

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