Connecting The Pieces

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The sound of screaming and fear feely eyes. Im Frozen in fear I can't move. I'm on my knees begging him to stop. "YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS YOU KNOW THAT....YOU DUM BITCH" He throws a flower vase towards me it hits my shoulder. Pain shoots thru my body. I scream out in pain. "SHUT UP YOU ANNOYING ASS BITCH". I cover up my mouth to keep myself quiet to prevent angering him more. He turns he's back talking to himself I crawl away towards are balcony.

I put my hand on the door nodd  I feel something grabe my ankle. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING. He lets go of my foot and graves me waist. "No plz let me go plz plz. I beg and plead for him to let me go. He graves em face. "So you wish to leave huh fine". He drops me on the floor. He walks to the the doors unlocks them and opens them. I realize what he's about to do I try to get away from him but he graves me ankle again. He drags me to the balcony. "No plz that's not what I meant..let me go!" I start screaming louder and louder. He picks me up bridal style and lifts me over the edge. We're 12 stories high. My eye widen as I look down. Without warning he drops me. Me stomach pulls in to my throat I see the ground getting closer and closer the second. Just when I'm about to hit the ground I jerk up.

I'm breathing hard. My forehead is covered in sweat. I look around realizing I'm in my room. (How did I get here.) I think to myself. Then everything hits me like sudden gush of wind. The gym, the fight that josh and Sarah had, the..I grabe my shoulder where I felt that cold spot. Did I black out. Oh god. I swing my legs over the bed and walkout of my room in to the living room.  As I enter the living room I turn to see danny in the kitchen cooking and Sarah sitting at the Island drink a glass of wine or cranberry juice I can't tell, but She laughing and smiling. I turn around and head back to my room.

I close my door behind my back. I sit at the foot of my bed. I put my head in my hands. "What is happening did what I think happen not happen they act like nothing happened." I think a little more. Then my eyes widen. "Where's my stuff I remember I went to the gym. (I mist be stressed) I get up and walk to my dresser I open my draw an take out a pill body. I open it and pop a feel pills. I grave my water jug from my dresser and down those down. I turn around and see my gym bag.

It didn't see it before cause it was on my right side of the bed and I got off on the left side of the bed.  I pick it up and check it. Everything is here. But how did it get here. (Why do I even bother some times)I zip up my bag and drop it on the floor. I walk over my dresser and pick out some clothes, then head to my bathroom. (Maybe a cold shower will help settle me thoughts).

I strip off my gym clothes an hop in the shower turning it on. I feel the water pounding on my back which feels amazing I know they say shower are bad for you in so may ways but they can eat dirt. Showers are the only thing I look forward to when I come back from the gym and after today I really needed one. Better then getting drunk and stupid or doing drugs.

I turn the water off open the shower do and grab my towel dry myself off. I brave my coconut oil and and moisturize my body. I put on a sport's bra and white biking shorts. I dry my hair with a shirt cause it helps with splits ends. I add some hair cream to my hair and in it back I wash my face and brush my teeth. I leave my bathroom turning off the lights and get greeted with my sister sitting on my bed with a plate of food next to her on a tray.
"Hey sis I bought you food"

I say nothing and walk to my dresser my back to her.

"Look I'm sorry bout today I know I should have listen but I promise I will leave him-

"Shut up"

I can feel her staring at me.

" You won't leave him you've have talking bout leaving his ass for over 3 years."

I turn around look her in the eyes.

" He an abusive, using, cheating an compulsive liar and you know it an yet by the end of the day you sleep fine it in your heart to forgive him and sleep in the same bed with him".

I take a deep breath in.

"My patience is running low with you. The next time he puts his hands on you go find someone else to be your bodyguard" I'm tired of you using me. you use my trauma to your advantage knowing that I will protect you cuz I am against what he's doing to you. Knowing that I've been thru it also. I love you with all my heart but if you stay with his psycho ass he will kill you.  I know the signs and I know when to leave. What if he's stabbed your tires so you wouldn't be able to escape and come over to my place to hide from him.  What if he did something more drastic than that. Then what sis...huh. hell he could kill you tomorrow because I know you're going to go back to him.

It's the same thing you guys get together you think you're over what happened in the past and he acts up again then he lashes out at you he attacks you you've run away from him let him cool off for a few days and then you go back to him and start at square one again. I don't know what you think is love but that is not love.

Sarah is speech less. I tried not to be to hard on her but she needs to wake up this ain't no fairy tail she ain't no princess and her boyfriend sure as hell ain't no Prince charming.

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