𝟟 (𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕨𝕠)

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TW : Injuries, shouting, arguments. If you are sensitive to those kinds of things, please, read with caution or don't read at all. Thank you!

Lost in your own thoughts and still in quite of a shock about the events that just happened, you mindlessly made your way through the city. Only when you noticed people around you get quite unsettled, you understood that something was wrong.

People were running from the center of the city, as they all seemed to be quite frightened... What was happening?

At a quick pace, you started to make your way towards the direction people were running from. As you were about to turn the corner, you noticed some purple smoke coming from your left. And then it hit you.

It was Scaramouche's ability.

Without a second thought, you quickly turned the corner and started running, in hopes to help out your Harbinger with everything you could. By now, all the ground was covered in purple smoke, which did not mean anything good. You could only suspect that Scaramouche has gotten into a big fight.

But you did not expect it to be that big.

There they stood - Scaramouche and Raiden Shogun - facing each other, both of their weapons out. The Electro archon looked quite angry, as she swayed her electro-charged sword to the other side. She looked as if she was trying to scare Scaramouche.

The Harbinger, on the other hand, did not seem affected by the actions of the archon. His eyes only darkened, as he got into a fighting position.

"- Kunikuzushi... Hand me the gnosis." - The archon spoke in a calm voice.

But her calm voice made your head spin. Kunikuzushi... Was Scaramouche the wandering puppet? The one that had no use and was left alone to wander in the wilderness?

"- Why should I? It was originally supposed to be mine anyways... Don't you think so?" - Scaramouche bit back in his overly-friendly tone.

The Archon was dissatisfied with the response, as she dashed towards The Harbinger, which responded to the attack, sending a wave of his electro power towards her.

Upon the ball of raw power and Electro sword clashing, there was a huge outburst of lightning that blinded everyone around.

As Scaramouche was rubbing his eyes, trying to clear his eyesight from the uncomfortable light impact, Raiden Shogun saw this as a perfect opportunity to strike down her enemy.

And she would have been successful if you would have been just a second slower.

With all your strength, you jumped in front of Scaramouche, summoning your strongest hydro shield in front of you.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

Raiden Shogun sliced through your shield and you felt immense pain slash through you. From the right side of your chest to the left side of your waist, you felt yourself go numb.

And just like that, after a few seconds, you were out cold.

What you didn't see is how Scaramouche caught you, as his face turned pale and his eyes were covered in his biggest fears.

You were woken up by the birds chirping outside of... your tent?

You were surprised to see yourself laying in your tent. You could quite clearly remember the past events. The scarf, library ghost and... Raiden Shogun. Was it all just a dream?

Upon remembering the fight, you tried to sit up, but an intense pain shot up through your whole body.

As you fell down to your old position, you slightly lifted up the covers.

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