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As you walked through Liyue Harbor, only then you noticed how pretty that city actually is. You've never seen anything like this before, even people were dressed up differently. You've lived all your life in Fountaine, and this was a huge change in culture. Not that you're complaining.
Liyue people worshiped Morax - the god of war, gold and contracts. The whole concept of it was also quite interesting.
Gold ornaments were decorating almost every building, which made the city look even more magical.

As you arrived at the Northland bank, you were met with Ekaterina at the main counter. She monotonously greeted you and the Harbinger.
"- Good evening, Childe and Y/N."
Wait, she knows your name? Was everyone in the Fatui notified about you? Oh lord, you don't even know if you should be happy or worried.

"- Hey there, Ekaterina! How's business going? Has anyone been avoiding their debt lately? Need a hand with that?" - Asked Childe, as he approached the counter.
"- No, it seems like everything's fine. Please, follow me. I was given orders to introduce you to this weeks work." - Said Ekaterina in the same monotonous voice.
At this point you were suspicious - is she a robot? You've met Katherine before, which seemed to act quite strangely. No, you've meet a few Katherines before, and they all acted the same! Are all ladies behind counters robots? You had some investigating to do.

"- Alright! C'mon Y/N, let's see what kind of frightening enemies we'll be facing this week!" - Smiled Childe, as Ekaterina was leading both of you upstairs.

Upstairs we entered an office which was full of paperwork. It seemed like there were mountains and seas of various documents, permission slips and other useless stuff you didn't even know the name of. You and Childe looked at each other with eyes of despair. Was this your weeks work? It will take ages to finish everything! Childe was desperately trying to change the situation :
"- Hey, Ekaterina, you don't mean that all of this-"
"- Yes, Sir, all of this paperwork needs to be finished until the end of this week. Enjoy." - Ekaterina flashed us a one-second smile and left the office in swiftness, closing the door behind. That left you and Childe standing there alone.

Amongst the piles and piles of paperwork, there were 2 office tables with chairs. As you assumed, they were for you and Childe to work on.
Tartaglia sighed.
"- Great. We are stuck here with all of this useless documentation. I'm already bored..." - The Harbinger said as he sat down to start looking through the documents.

You could only agree with him :
"- Yeah, but I'm kind of happy. I don't get to fight for my own life on my first day. The biggest threat right now is that huge pile of paperwork which can fall any second now." - you tried joking.

Childe chuckled. It looked like his smile never faltered from his face. Such a pretty soul, with such a cruel past...
"- How about this, if we start now, we should end a bit earlier today and I'll take you out for dinner! How does that sound?"
"- Oh! S-sure!" - you can't lie, you were caught off guard for a bit there.
"- Then let's get straight to work!" - Childe beamed.

For the rest of the day Childe was basically teaching you how to fill out various documents, paperworks and how to write responses to the angry complaint letters. Everything seemed to be quite confusing at the start, but you got the hang of it. As both of you worked, there was a comfortable silence between you two, that was sometimes filled with small jokes, various questions and laughter. Everything seemed to be going great.

As the clock beamed 8pm, Childe loudly announced that it's the end of today's work and that you two should get going for the promised dinner.

When you thought that Liyue was pretty during the daytime, you were absolutely stunned with its beauty when the sun had already set. Everything was glowing, the city looked like it really was made out of gold. Liyue felt even more magical. Your eyes caught the sight of the orange head Harbinger, which was walking next to you. He looked astonishing. You had to admit, that he was quite a handsome man, but when his face was illuminated by the street lights, he looked even more-
"- Take a picture, it will last longer"- Tartaglia laughed.
Shit. You were staring at him, weren't you? Oh god, you felt so embarrassed. Meanwhile The Harbinger seemed to be quite happy.
"- We're here!" - he announced, as he lead the two of you to the Wanmin restaurant. You both ordered your own food and waited for it to be served.

"- You know, it has been quite a while since I've been to Liyue. I wish I could bring my family here sometime, it truly is a wonderful place... Say, do you have a big family?" - Childe asked. Once again you were right, Childe did know how to start a conversation.
You hesitated. Should you really answer? Wouldn't it give him too much information about you?.. But, after all, he did share his past with you, so it's only fair that you did the same, right?

"- I was the only child. Quite a spoiled one, too. I really didn't mind all the riches and stuff, I just wish I was able to go out more often, explore and... I suppose an arranged marriage organised by my father was one of the reasons why I am here today..." - you trailed at your last sentence.
You didn't really want to talk about it, if you were being honest. The past is something that is meant to be forgotten, or at least dealt with. What happened - happened.

Meanwhile Childe stared at you with somewhat wide eyes. Soon he spoke :
"- Oh, I'm sorry about that. I mean, who wouldn't want a cutie like you by their side, but a forced marriage is something I would never approve of, too." - The Harbinger winked at you.
You laughed. He was truly a fun person, always turning 'bad' to 'good' and 'good' to 'even better'. If you wouldn't be wearing a mask this entire time, Tartaglia would be able to see your wide smile.

Shortly, your food arrived. As you inhaled the seducing aroma from your food, Childe was staring at his chopsticks like he was about to stab someone with them. You removed your mask and started eating, but Childe was still glaring at his chopsticks. His stare was so intense, he didn't even notice how you removed your mask.
"- Uh, Childe? Is everything okay?" - you asked.
"- What? Oh, yeah! It's just that no matter how hard I try I never learned to use chop-" - he cut off as he looked directly at your face.
Why is he staring at you? Is there something on your face? What's wrong?.. Oh. Right. Mask. This is his first time seeing your face.
"- Take a picture, it will last longer!" - you joked.
That seemed to get Tartaglia out of his trance as he laughed.
"- Well, you truly are a beauty..." - he smiled, his eyes not leaving yours.
How is that possible to be as smooth as Childe? He didn't stutter once.

The dinner went pretty well. Despite Tartaglia trying to fluster you every five minutes, everything was perfect.
As you two arrived at the hotel you'll be staying, you both bid your goodnights to each other and went off to your own rooms.
Today was amazing. Of course, you did have to do an insane amount of paperwork, but working with Tartaglia was overall a great experience.
And with that thought, you went to sleep. This month is going to be amazing.



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