I got back my attention to what they were saying but it seemed like I missed an important part which caused Jackson's rage to blow which was really showed in his eyes.

"Father. I've been stuck here with you my whole life. I obeyed you. I was always here when you needed me but he wasn't. He left and promised we won't see his face again which we just did. He left the house and didn't come back until he finished everything and came to take more then you tell me that he is gonna be the one replacing you?" Screamed Jackson.

"He is older than you, Jackson. He has more experiences than you and -" Mister Mickelson started but Jackson cut him off by yelling "and will be able to protect the whole city because he will know how to deal with problems but I am still too young for that. Guess what Father? That was what you told me before but actually that was the reason why you chose me! You are using the exactly same argument but instead you are picking him this time and this is just so blurry for me to see. When he was gone you loved me more than anyone but now that he is back, that your son is back, he takes the place where I always dreamed to own. You promised me!"

"I thought he wasn't coming back!" Said Mister Mickelson.

"So you fed me up lies because you thought he won't come back? So when he comes back you come and tell me it's a lie!" Jackson screamed.

"Back off brother, it's not your place anymore! It never was!" Jonathan stood up and tapped the table hard.

"You are right big brother, it's not my place anymore!" Then all I could see was his showdown leaving the dinning room and up the stairs from the heels of his boots that klicked all the way up the wood stairs.

What place they are fighting for? All I understand is that Mister Mickelson lied to Jackson for years that he'd give him that place because he thought Jonathan won't come back but when he did, he deserves to get his place back even if where he is right now will never be his place since he left it when he needed to be away from something.

Ugh this is confusing. I shook my head, trying to get ride of the thoughts of my curiosity, I slowly made my way out the kitchen to the stairs, tip toeing, hoping they won't see me.

"Father, don't tell me you are changing your mind because of him?" I caught Jonathan saying on my way up the stairs.

"Don't worry, son. I won't." Was the last thing I heard before making my way to the closed door of Jackson's room.

I didn't know what I was doing here or what I am going to do. I don't know anything about the fight, if you want to call this a fight, and only I realized what I was doing when my hand turned the knob of the door.

I was facing Jackson's back until he turned around to see who it was at the door.

"If anyone sent you here to get back down there, go back and tell them I don't want to see their faces." He yelled, taking me by surprise and caused me to silently gasp.

"No one sent me here." I truly said.

"Then why are you here?" He turned around making me face his back again.

"I came to check up on you." Without thinking, I said.

"Check up on me?" Sarcastically laughed at what I said, Jackson throw his head back before turning around to look at me as if I am one crazy girl that is running around the house. "So you think coming in my room, without even knocking, talk to me when no one asked you to is okay because you want to 'check up on me'?" He said.

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. It was wrong of me to come in the room when I knew he was in a bad mood to be mean enough to not want to talk to a maid in the house. It seems like he lost something so important to him and I'm just here like a pathetic human to check up on him!

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