⇃ 𝘔𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘥𝘴

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•Raven method•

1. Meditate (not mandatory but highly recommended)

2. Lay down and get in a starfish position, dont let any of your limbs touch
3. Start counting from 0-100 or 100-0 and after every few numbers say an affirmation (affirmations will be in the next chapter (; ) I usually say an affirmation after ever 10 but you can do it after how ever many you want
4. After counting imagine doing something from your dr with someone in your dr. It could be a scene you scripted or just a random thing
5. Go to sleep and wake up in your dr!

Alice in wonderland method•
1. Lay down, get comfy
2. Meditate (not mandatory) and relax your muscles
3. Say affirmations and (or) parts of your script (ex. 'My Dr name is ___')
4. Close your eyes and visualize you reading a book under a tree
5. Then look up from your book and see someone from your Dr and watch them run away
6. Get up, and follow them, while following them watch them fall down a rabbit hole
7. Follow them down the rabbit hole, you should feel like your falling (this is good!)
8. After that, fall asleep or wait until you smell the certain smell or someone from your dr opens your eyes. (I haven't tried this without sleeping so if you do tell me the results!<33)

•Estelle method•
1. Get comfy luvss
2. Meditate (not mandatory)
3. Play a specific song or a random one it don't matter
4. Now visualize you and someone from your dr dancing to this song, try and imagine the feelings physically
5. When the song ends, visualize them saying "Alright y/n, its time to go home"
6. See them walk to a door and swing it wide open, you should see white beyond the door
7. Walk in
8. Now start affirmating til you feel like your falling but don't stop!
9. When the falling feeling has stopped the white should fade to black
10. Now fall asleep or wait for your scripted signs of shifting!

No-sleep method
1. Meditate abt 5-10 mins
2. Get comfyyyy
3. Repeat "I am" in your head until you feel the symptoms (symptoms in next chapter)
4. Count to 100 slowly or down to 0 from 100
5. After counting start saying affirmations
6. Once feeling disconnected start imagining your dr
7. Wait for signs that you shifted then boom baby you made it home

•Heart beat method
(personal favorite cus I'm touch started 😩😩)
1. Now you need an audio of a heart beat. I have multiple links, if you want them dm me lol
2. Get a pillow, body pillow or make one
3. Put phone or iPad under the pillow with the audio loud enough to hear it
4. Lay down and imagine its someone from your dr, also imagine a room as well like a bedroom or a living room it don't matter
5. When you feel ready (DONT RUSH) you can now turn off the audio
6. Then imagine them getting up and wake you up, then visualize them pulling you up saying "Its time to go home"
7.Visualize them open a door in that room with a bright light beyond it
8. Go through the door and you should feel like your falling
9. Now fall asleep and you should wake up in your dr <33

if u want me to explain other methods just comment or dm 

⇃- 𝘉𝘯𝘩𝘢 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵Where stories live. Discover now