56 - His Family or His Enemy?

Start from the beginning

His father was aware of his threat yesterday so it was now his decision to choose whose side he was on. So he allowed Laura to speak. "Ricco Domenici fell in love with Teresa" She answered.

That only confused Lorenzo even more as his hand clasped under his chin. "If she had him on a leash, why is he dead and your partnership is broken?" Luciano looked to Laura to answer but his eyes flickered to Jeevan who had sighed, no doubt knowing exactly why.

"Luciano killed him. Didn't you?" he focused his gaze and Luciano nodded firmly.

Lorenzo opened his mouth to lecture him, but Luciano spoke first. " Yes the new Don is aware. I served it to him on a silver platter" He smirked and his mom walked in, over hearing, huffing.

"Why son?" She sighed, disappointed but he dismissed the disappointment.

"Because he had sex with Teresa. You know how possessive these men get" Laura rolled her eyes and Luciano released a low, deep chuckle, his body vibrating and they all only stared at him, confused by his humor.

"Why wouldn't they start a war? If you did what you did, somehow the Don should have pulled the trigger, why didn't he?" Jeevan asked, curious himself.

This time Adriano answered, knowing a smart response was going to come out.

"They aren't aware of her betrayal, not aware of who she really is to Luciano. They think she is hostage or held captive as some sort of pawn. She was known as Ricco's woman, or you could say his potential Queen and therefore they have great respect for her, and she is important as you know. They want her to be a part of their family in honor of his death and they won't mend in the partnership unless Luciano gives her up."

" And I'm sure they're not going to leave it alone," Jeevan huffed, cursing under his breath.

" No," Luciano said. " They'll take her. And if they do, they can find out, and I can't let that happen. I can't let her find out either" He spoke slowly, thinking about how horrible it would be if they were to find out. They would torture her for information first. Then they will kill her, kill them.

" Find out what?" His eyebrows lifted, his head snapped up, just like everyone else's to the sound of Teresa's voice. Standing near the end of the stairs, obviously looking for him.

Her eyes found his first and for the first time, his mouth was dry with no words. He didn't know how to lie to her. He never REALLY lied to her. He always avoided her questions, diverted them, and she would let it go, but by the way she stared at him, felt like she was going to see through the lie he would have told her. A lie he hadn't even had prepared in his mind.

Nora stepped forward, blocking Teresa's sight of Luciano and when he couldn't see her anymore his heart raced. Thumped, because he was not expecting her to hear. Or did she hear? He knew she was suspicious.

"Nothing dear. Just men talking about regular business of course. Nothing to worry about" Nora smiled, innocently, and Adriano glanced over and saw Luciano look like he was on the verge of a panic attack, metaphorically of course.

Jovana however scoffed. "Oh nothing, just that you are the reason Luciana doesn't rein over Milan." Laura smirked and Jeevan pulled her arm, telling her to stop.

" Yeah, you really made him lose a lot of power there. Not only that, but Don of Milan, will start a war over little ole you" Jovana finished and Teresa looked between the two. Then she saw Luciano after Nora had moved and when he saw the fire in her eyes, he closed his with a soft sigh, and his fist clenched.

" Excuse me" She said, and she turned around, stomping back upstairs and once he heard the door slam, it was like a click in his brain and his eyes popped open and it seemed as if darkness fled through them as his cold, hard, and strong hands were both around Jovana's throat, causing the women to scream, hearing the slam of her body against the wall. Jeevan made a move, but not quick enough as Adriano pulled him back.

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