chapter 16 (editing)

Start from the beginning

Not this time. No man going to do this again. "You stay away from me." I felt him put his hand on my shoulder.

"Get your hand off of me." I pulled myself up and used the wall to hold me and guide me to the door.

I finally got to the door breathing heavy and scared. I felt for the door knob. But then I felt an arm around me.

"Where are you going, your my date remember." I started to cry. "This date is over. I stomped on his foot.

He let go of me. "Umph!" I hit the ground. "Get away from her!" I heard Edward voice.

Angela was back at my side. "He was the only person I could find the quickest. Forgive me Bella!" Angela told me.

"It's alright Angela you did good, thank you." I grabbed her arm. My head wouldn't stop spinning.

Edward kneeled down to me. "Are you alright?" He asked me. "Not really, I don't feel so good. My drink right there tasted funny. Now I don't feel so good."

Edward got up and picked up my drink and smelled it. He shook his head. "It was spiked." He said.

"I know he said it was to relax me." Edward scooped me up. I laid my head against his chest and didn't move.

He walks in and go through all the people and then out the door I buried my face when I saw the flashes.

It was like he didn't care that everyone saw him carry me out. He sat me in a limo and told the driver something and then climb in beside me.

It was quite the whole trip. I didn't know where we were going. But I didn't care at the moment the way I was feeling.

I must of fell asleep, because I woke up to Edward scooping me back up out of the limo and carrying me into a house.

I didn't know where I was. He laid me on a bed and covered me with a blanket. I watched him walk out of the room. I fell back asleep.

I woke back up and sat up. I looked around it was dark but there was enough light coming in from the moon light.

I got up and slowly walked over to some glass doors. I open it and walked out.

I was nice. I realized I was still in my formal gown. I heard some music. I lied to Jacob Black. I do know how to dance.

I close my eyes. He was playing some classical music. I start to feel the music and move to it.

I felt free not a care in the world. Then adele set fire to the rain came on.

I made my own dance to this song. It was beautiful. Music I could express myself in my own way.

No one would know but me. I have to passion alright maybe more but dancing I can release my stress.

I was startled by Edward. "Now that is something I didn't know you could do and in a formal evening gown at that." I turned and saw Edward at the door way.

"Your still a pompous ass." I told him. "Alright I deserve that! I'm sorry Bella. I said things I shouldn't have. Believe me I been beating myself up over this." He told me.

"Really, in the meantime I'm don't know which way to turn. One minute I want to be as far from you as possible and the next I .. ughh forget it. Doesn't matter any ways. Not like I can do anything." He looks at me confused.

"What are you talking about Bella, your confusing the hell out of me."

"The hell with it." I walk over to him and stand in front of him. "You think your confused Edward, so am I more then you will ever know."

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