Flippy / Fliqpy Incorrect Quotes

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Fliqpy: *stabs Nutty* Ha ha ha! Right in the heart!

Nutty: Actually, my heart's on the left.

Fliqpy: Yeah that's what I...wait.

Nutty: It's OK, man. Happens to the best of us.


Sniffles: There are three ways to argue. Words, proof...

Flippy: Knife.


Flippy: I've come to a point in my life where I need a word stronger than f*ck.


Giggles: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! They're terrible for the environment!

Fliqpy: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much better for the environment!


Cuddles: Nothing in life is free.

Toothy, hugging Cuddles: Love is free!

Nutty, climbing a tree: Adventure is free!

Sniffles, reading a book: Knowledge is free.

Flippy: Everything in life is free if you take it without paying.


Handy: Scariest horror movie you've watched?

Petunia: It.

Flaky: Nightmare on Elm Street.

Lammy: Friday the 13th.

Flippy: High School Musical. I spent all my middle school years worrying that the whole school would burst into song and I'd be the only one not knowing the lyrics.


Flippy: Alcohol is great, but do you know what's better? Romance. Never been in love? Me neither, pass the bottle.


Disco Bear, holding ballooons: I have no soul. Have a nice day!

Flippy, taking a balloon: I don't have one either.


Sniffles: If you press that button, it'll take 1 year off your life...

Flippy: *starts pressing button*

Sniffles: But you'll get a hundred...thousand...dollars...

Flippy: *still pressing button*

Sniffles: Dude, stop! Stop it!

Flippy: *deep inhale* *button pressing intensifies*


Flippy: God give me patience...

Pop: Don't you mean, 'God give me strength'?

Flippy: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.


Flippy: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.

Shifty: What if I bite it and it dies?

Flippy: That means you're venomous. Jesus Christ, Shifty, learn to listen.

Lifty: What if it bites itself and I die?

Flippy: That's voodoo.

Disco Bear: What if it bites me and someone else dies?

Flippy: That's correlation, not causation.

Mime (sign language): What if we bite each other and neither of us die?

Disco Bear: That's kinky.

Flippy: Oh my God.

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