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louis is sat in his class watching the clock slowly ticking away hoping that he could vanish.

"oi loueh" he heard niall whisper shout at him.


"i'm hosting a party and you're coming"

"no" he immediately reject, parties aren't really his thing.

"yes, i don't care what you say i'm dragging you"

"why? i'm not a party person"


"fine" he rolled his eyes in defeat while hearing niall cheer in victory, "it's at 10" niall whispered.

he nodded.

louis was now getting ready for niall's party regretting his life decisions, he ended up picking red jeans and a striped shirt.

"hey lou" niall beamed.

"hi" louis squealed out as he was being pushed around by a bunch of drunk people.

"get yourself a drink i'll meet you in the living room" niall shouted as he danced his way to the living room.

sighing, louis went to the drink table which had a guy and a girl on it, the girl was straddling his waist as they made out on the table.

he poured himself a drink sulky, "why so sad princess" he heard a raspy voice.

"i don't wanna be here" louis mumbled as he slowly turns to the voice revealing harry freaking styles.

harry styles...the heart breaker.

"then let's make this more fun" he smirked, leaning closer to louis whispering a "may i" which louis nods to because he is harry styles.

if he wants to kiss you, you say yes.

harry smirked as he kissed him roaming his tongue into louis's mouth.

wait wasn't harry straight?

louis was too distracted to think about it so he kissed him.

harry led them into a room, them both ended up on the floor, having harry laid flat on the floor and louis on top of him ,cheek on harry's chest.

harry was playing with louis's hair, "why haven't i seen you before" harry mumbled, louis could feel his chest vibrating as he spoke.

"i dunno" louis mumbled, too busy drawing shapes on harry's chest.

after few minutes had passed louis and harry dozed off.

louis woke up with an oddly comfortable pillow...but it was rising up and down.

he sat up a little noticing a beautiful boy bellow him, but the problem is...he's harry styles.

he heard harry start to wake up "what—who the fuck are you?" his tone was harsh.

"um i'm louis" he shrugged harry made a face of realisation, "oh...um i gotta go" his tone is nicer this time as he left walking out of the room, leaving louis confused wanting harry's warmth again.

louis scrambled out of the room quickly hoping niall would be outside, as he rushed downstairs he saw a familiar blond on the couch.

"hey ni" he spoke as he shakes the blond. niall groaned as he used his hands to shoo louis away.

"we have school today...in 3 hours niall, you can't skip today" louis told him with a sigh remembering he can't skip either.

"gimme 2 hours" niall mumbled as he sinks into the couch, louis shook his head as he goes into the shower hoping he would see harry later.

louis and niall are both wearing sunglasses walking into school, hoping their eyes wouldn't give it away.

"ah finally, take a seat you two" mr flinch pointed to the seat, louis turned to his left and saw a mop of curls next to his seat, his head was on his arms.

louis took a seat next harry and harry handed him a note, 'meet me in the janitor's closet after class' it says, louis just send a nod back.

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